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Wees On Self!


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Don't know if this has already been discussed (searched for 'wee' on the board but found nothing!), but whenever my one year old dog Wilf (puppy pic attached below I hope) has a pee, he gets it all over his tummy and front leg.

He hasn't got the hang of cocking his leg when he goes, and seems to arch his back upwards rather than stretching his back legs out behind him. Also, ahem :- " , his 'angle of dangle' is directed towards his tummy, which doesn't help.

I wipe him down when he's wet and wash his tum regularly, but was wondering if anybody else had the same problem, and if they had any nifty solutions.


P.S :oops: I mean anybody else's dog, of course!!
hi - i'm afraid i don't have any solutions, but I do have the same same problem - seems that Digit is about halfway between being a boy and a man..half the time he still squats like a girl (and feet stay dry) the other half he half cocks his leg and crouches at the same time which results in wee all over his feet...i just do what you're doing, wipe him down with a wet cloth - am assuming he'll get the hang of being a grown up eventually! :- "
My Inky who's just over a year old wees over his feet and the others heads if they get in the way :lol: . He squats and puts his leg up sometimes he's alright unless he gets distracted or is in a hurry :lol:

I've given up and just let him get on with it lucky his legs and tum are black so it does not show.

Thanks Urchin & Whip - glad to hear I'm not alone! I'll carry on wiping and hope he grows out of it. :thumbsup:
:wub: Aww - Gorgeous pup you have there. :wub:

I am sure he will grow out of it. I think it was Aslan that gave some advice on cocking legs on here so to speak.

Think usually all puppies develop at different ages - My youngest Kobi is 18 weeks and starting to cock his leg occasionally - but Oscar took much longer and still pees on himself and Kobi sometimes. (w00t) :lol:
Janimal said:
:wub: Aww - Gorgeous pup you have there. :wub:   I am sure he will grow out of it.  I think it was Aslan that gave some advice on cocking legs on here so to speak.

Think usually all puppies develop at different ages - My youngest Kobi is 18 weeks and starting to cock his leg occasionally - but Oscar took much longer and still pees on himself and Kobi sometimes. (w00t)   :lol:

:lol: Thanks Janimal! He's a lovely boy and has a brilliant temperament - very sweet and friendly :wub: but also really bold (sometimes a bit too bold - he leapt off a stack of hay bales at the weekend! Did a stuntman roll when he landed :eek: , but was absolutely fine with no signs of pain or stiffness at the time or afterwards, thank goodness). I'll look up Aslan's thread.
MrsT said:
View attachment 18898Hi!
Don't know if this has already been discussed (searched for 'wee' on the board but found nothing!), but whenever my one year old dog Wilf (puppy pic attached below I hope) has a pee, he gets it all over his tummy and front leg. 

Ditto. Ours has always done it and still does it at nearly 6 I'm afraid. He does go through phases of trying to be more careful (esp when his chest was a bit rashy), and his aim is definitely better on one side than the other, but generally speaking he is quite happy to squat rather than cock, and pee all over himself so that we have to wipe it off for him.

It is worse when he's been in for a few hours and has a particularly long one, where his concentration tends to wander towards the end; perhaps try taking him out little and often. :luck:
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No advice as both mine are bitches, just wanted to say how absolutely stunning he is. :wub: :wub: :wub:
Even my old dog Chip who was just over 12 when I lost him - although he was fully fit at the time - also used to do this when his concentration went or he couldnt be bothered to 'cock' he would half squat like a bitch and pee over his chest and front leg too. (w00t)
Our 5 year old boy Jasper never cocks his leg at home, occasionally might when we're elsewhere. Haven't seen him hit his chest yet (although I've heard from my OH he got his chin once :oops: ) but he does still get his front legs and feet. Seems to go in waves. He'll go for a month or two with no incidents and then it seems every other time he pees I'm wiping off his legs. I just laugh sometimes because I just don't see how they can't notice....hey, my leg is getting nice and warm, oh, I must be peeing on it! Maybe I should readjust! LOL!
All my boys do it Jasper regullary wees one his chest and being white if you're on a long walk and it dries before you get home it stains his coat yellow . They do occasionlly cock their legson trees when out for walks except for Blaze who is 6 months
All my boys do it Jasper regullary wees one his chest and being white if you're on a long walk and it dries before you get home it stains his coat yellow . They do occasionlly cock their legson trees when out for walks except for Blaze who is 6 months