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Weepy Eye


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Sid has had a weepy eye for the past week - 'orrible green stuff :x I am bathing it with salty water and it clears up but then comes back again. Any alternative suggestions I can try, I was wondering if it is due to the sun. :cheers:
avon said:
Sid has had a weepy eye for the past week - 'orrible green stuff :x   I am bathing it with salty water and it clears up but then comes back again.  Any alternative suggestions I can try, I was wondering if it is due to the sun.  :cheers:
If it's green then it's an infection and needs to see a vet to get treatment.

Hi avon,

when Evie had a weepy eye, i used some golden eye ointment it cleared up in no time, someone on here recommended it :thumbsup:

Get it checked out by the vet - it could be a surface scratch or corneal ulcer which won't get any better without treatment (and could get worse :( ).
:( Mine get weepy eyes after running in the long grass
jue332 said:
Hi avon, when Evie had a weepy eye, i used some golden eye ointment it cleared up in no time, someone on here recommended it  :thumbsup:


I also use Golden Eye Ointment or conjunctivitis ointment from chemist, if it does not respond within 24-48 hours I call the vet.

:luck: Lida
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When sienna had a poorly eye the vet gave her eye drops the same ones humans use cleared up in no time :thumbsup:
Daisymay has been suffering on & off with real gunky eyes :x .In the morning they're a real mess even though i've been using fucithalmic ointment.

Anyway,i was starting to wonder if it could be some sort of allergy and have discovered that it's a wool blanket that she likes to snuggle up with at night.

Blanket gone,eyes back to normal! :thumbsup:
I am glad to say Sid's eye has now cleared up. :D We were booked in for the vet today but by Saturday it was cleared up - I was told by a friend to bathe it in cold black tea. I thought it wont do any harm so tried it - started Thursday night and by Saturday it was better. Might just be a coincidence - but so long as it is better - anything is worth a try. :D