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Weekend In Lakes With Pet

Julie D

New Member
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Hi, we're thinking of staying some where with nice walks in the Lakes, just me and OH and Ella, Sophie's in Majorca with my mum +dad, :D has anyone got photos and a good recommendation for some brill accommodation please ?

When you stay B+B where does your pet go when you go for breakfast ? :blink:

do they insist on a cage, not that Ella's destructive but if we went out the room somewhere strange I think she might scratch the door and whine .

oh yes, and can anyone with a crystal ball tell me if it'll be dry weather as Ella ( and I ) hates walking in the rain :lol:
Can' t help you with b&b et c., but I can warn you about the things you may come across up there at this time of year. Ella will most likely pick up deer ticks anywhere with long vegetation. Also, if you go into forested areas at this time of year, beware 'cleg' attack. Think aggresive horseflies that come in swarms. I ended up having to go to A&E for antibiotics when my hand and arm lost all feeling and swelled to twice normal size. Call me a southern softie, but I try to avoid Cumbrian forests at this time of year after that experience. Those little tools that you slide under ticks and twist anti- clockwise work really well and they only cost about a quid. Sorry to be a bit negative, but stay out the forestry and you' ll have a great time.
eeeuuwwgh :x

thanks for that, bugs don't like the taste of me, but they do love Paul and I'd hate Ella to be covered in ticks (had a golden cocker with these and they are disgusting....where do you get the tools for removing them ?)

it's making me itch as I type :x

I think we'll probably stick to walking around the lakes and in the open :D

just waiting to hear of availability in a gorgeous farm in Coniston, where 'clean and well behaved dogs are allowed with their clean and well behaved owners ' ;)
coniston is a lovely part of the world, i think u will enjoy it there. But yes definatley look out for ticks lol
Pet shops and vets sell these tick removers. If I could find mine, I would post a photo. It is plastic and looks like a tiny pry bar; it' s about 3 or 4 inches long. They are much more effective than putting concotions on the tick. Remember to squash or burn the tick when removed, or it could crawl off and attach itself to another creature, or even you!