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Weechon random crying, misbehaving and breathing fast


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Hi all, I'm Gary and my lovely bailey has been acting strange the last few days. Up until Friday she has been a little dog angel. She is nearly a year old now and I can't put my finger on what is wrong with her. Friday we came home to find things chewed up and she had been to the toilet on the floor even though she had access to the garden, this was quite a shock as she trained very easily and since she got the hang of it all she hasn't done a thing wrong. I quickly passed it off as a test and she was sent to her bed for a while. Later on she started crying, not badly but little moans every now and again and not really relative to anything, I checked her all over especially her tummy, poking her with enough force to provoke a reaction if she felt pain but she didn't respond at all. Later on she came and tucked under our quilt on the sofa as she usually does but really struggled to relax, she was on and off the sofa like a yoyo for a couple of hours then finally settled. I then noticed her breathing was faster than I have ever noticed and I decided to take her for a walk to see if she reacted as normal, this was quite the opposite of what a assumed. I ran with her for about half an hour and she was acting like someone had filled her water bowl with red bull, I have never seen her so active. Usually when we get in she will collapse and fall asleep but she stayed wired for some time until she finally settled and slept like normal, this morning she seemed all back to normal again and I was thinking phantom pregnancy? Just feeling down? Eaten something bad in the garden and things like that but she is crying again and can't decide wether she wants to be snuggled up or left alone. Not much has changed lately apart from our kids have gone back to school after the 6 weeks holiday.

Sorry for rattling on but she is my world and such a huge part of our family and I feel awful that I can't help her. I wish she could talk :( I have recently lost my job and our vets require payment upfront before they will see her and the insurance will pay out, this is something we can't afford right now so I wanted to ask your advice on here first before I sell my soul ;-) please somebody tell me I'm being silly,

Thanks in advance, I have attached a photo of my squidge :)


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Weechon.................What sort of dog is that? Perhaps your dog is hormonal or perhaps it is reacting to you being more available, therefore causing a change in its routine?
Sorry she is a westie x bishon fris, thank you for your input I am really hoping it is just a change thing and it will level out soon, now the kids are back at school I'm going to try and get her into a solid routine again.
She's having a pretty bad night tonight, she is panting like mad and strangely licking things, not herself but everything else! She wants to rest and keeps trying to but again she can't decide wether she wants to be under the duvet or on top or on the floor and is constantly switching places. I don't know what to do
Panting and licking can be signs of pain. I would be taking her to the vet and getting her looked at. They cannot refuse to treat a sick animal. Will they consider a direct claim from your insurers if you can't pay up front?

Just to add that if you've lost your job would you be eligible for help from the PDSA? And if my vets were asking for payment before they had even looked at my dog I would be looking for a new one! :angry:
Thanks pippywhippet, I will get her to the vets I didn't realise there was I scheme like that, she seems ok now but it seems like a night time thing.