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Wee On My Wellies


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Today i met up with a friend from training class and her dog (a dalmationXlab, rescue) for our first joint dog walk on the playing field. Whilst there her dog weed on my wellies 3 times!! :x Why on earth would he do this? Apparently he had never done it to anyone before, i found it quite amusing but was curious as to why he chose MY wellies

Meanwhile monty was off eating another dogs poo, which he threw up in the car :x :x - don't you just love 'em
no idea sorry but it sounds like a fun day out anyone! lol :))
ruth said:
Today i met up with a friend from training class and her dog (a dalmationXlab, rescue) for our first  joint dog walk on the playing field.  Whilst there her dog weed on my wellies 3 times!! :x   Why on earth would he do this? Apparently he had never done it to anyone before, i found it quite amusing but was curious as to why he chose MY wellies
Meanwhile monty was off eating another dogs poo, which he threw up in the car :x   :x   - don't you just love 'em


Maybe there was not a tree or post handy? :) Or there was some smell on them he to which, he felt, he needed to reply.
I know a whippet who belongs to some-one on this board who peed up my leg. It wasn't the first time he done it either :- "
50p cocks his leg up mine everytime we get out of the car at a show!! (w00t)

Even though I am prepared for it he always manages to get me.
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There are probably loads of lovely smells on those wellies :lol:

Oscar did it to my OH :lol: when we took them to our local show - I think it was the excitement of seeing all those other whippets :thumbsup:
(w00t) To make them smell nice!

Max and Tiny sometimes wee on each others heads!! :lol: Don't know what that's about....