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Weather Update ( Kenny, Pig Mcpocket Tj )


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hi boys weather update. we have moved about 500 miles south , and the sun is shining, very hot, so shelley is happy. we are going GREYHOUND RACING 2 night, it is just up the road from our hotel. if we get any tips we pass them on. (w00t) we catch up with you boys later. TAM
hi boys weather update. we have moved about 500 miles south , and the sun is shining, very hot, so shelley is happy. we are going GREYHOUND RACING 2 night, it is just up the road from our hotel. if we get any tips we pass them on. (w00t) we catch up with you boys later. TAM
nice one there tam&shelly

its actually a nice day here today,no snow thank god,mind you i would reather be there with yous.nice and hot :thumbsup:

its suppose to turn awfull again next week i hope they have it wrong,enjoy it over there,and all the best :thumbsup:
hi boys weather update. we have moved about 500 miles south , and the sun is shining, very hot, so shelley is happy. we are going GREYHOUND RACING 2 night, it is just up the road from our hotel. if we get any tips we pass them on. (w00t) we catch up with you boys later. TAM

nice 1 have a goodun tam
We have just come back from our night at the greyhounds, what a good night out, if any one is interested if you click on it shows the set up.Tam backed a couple of winners as well and l took pictures but you will have wait untill l get home :)) the locals wanted 2 now how i get picking the winners, so i told them i was a top whippet trainer in the uk. HA HA HA HA .hi boys they believe anything you tell them . TAM 8) now top trainer in VIETNAM, good night
We have just come back from our night at the greyhounds, what a good night out, if any one is interested if you click on it shows the set up.Tam backed a couple of winners as well and l took pictures but you will have wait untill l get home :)) the locals wanted 2 now how i get picking the winners, so i told them i was a top whippet trainer in the uk. HA HA HA HA .hi boys they believe anything you tell them . TAM 8) now top trainer in VIETNAM, good night

they certainly dont no u tam or they would no shells the braines behind your kennel lol and mine lol :thumbsup:
cummon tam ure head cant get any bigger than it allready is.. i know first hand that shell is the trainer and you take the glory, Got ure txt glad youre having a fab time have fun!!
cummon tam ure head cant get any bigger than it allready is.. i know first hand that shell is the trainer and you take the glory, Got ure txt glad youre having a fab time have fun!!
(w00t) We'll soon know if his heads' got bigger, 'cos he arrive back by cargo plane! :D :wub: