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We May Not Have Any Snow, But ...


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We've lived here over 3 years now and have never seen the water coming down from the dam like this. (w00t) The photos don't really convey the awesome power of nature that we witnessed. It was quite a sight and a bit scary - I wouldn't like to fall in that! :eek:



It's normally just a trickle or no water at all coming down that slope.







You get a better idea of the scale with Richard standing watching. :)


The river slightly further along.

(w00t) That does look scary :sweating: gorgeous view though :thumbsup:
bleeding hell that looks scary gillian imagine falling in that doesnt bear thinking about does it :sweating: fab pics by the way :cheers:
Blimey Gillian... (w00t) thats some force of water going down there...I wouldnt like to fall in it either... (w00t)

The snow is going all mushy here will be filling the rivers around here too in the next few days, and coming down from the moors.
wow thats scarey.we got a little stream running through our land and at the moment i dont think you could stand upright in it!it meets a run off of water coming from a dam and that is absolutely flooded at the moment.its not stopped raining here for days and tbh i think weve had rain every day since christmas.the dogs are fed up theyve gone 'stir crazy'! (w00t)

beautiful pics by the way even if they are frightening at showing how dangerous water can be :thumbsup:
We used to live near the Thames and I can remember several of the weirs there looking like that after days of heavy rain. It is certainly an awesome sight. Great pix btw. :thumbsup:
WOW (w00t)

We were watching the river Goyt which runs through our local park. There is normally a small weir with a drop of about 3-4 ft but at the moment you can't even see the change in water level it's risen so much.

Quite scary :wacko:
Wow...all that water coming off the hills (w00t) You can see by the thick spray and churned up muddy waters how powerful it is. All that rain has to end up somewhere and you're surrounded by all the highest moors in the Peak District :- " That's quite something :eek:

Our dam overflowed for the first time since I've lived in the area too. Nothing as spectacular and scarey as that though. Victorian engineering/constructions must be quite something to stand up to that force :blink: