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We Feel Realy Gulity


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We were out this morning with the dogs and 2 of our frends and there dogs aswell. cally lacey and my frends dog penny were off lead as normal when they saw something in the bushes they ran over and it was 2 other dog of lead with there owner everything was ok and they all had a play.

I had milo shelby and minnie on leads and our milo didnt like one of the dog so i had to put him at the back of me to walk past as the owner did call eather of his dogs back from the on lead dogs. Tony was behined me with boris talula and Indy and he spotted the jack russel so was watching boris with it cos hes funny with other dogs he had him on a shoty lead and boris was toching tonys leg it was that short.

just then the other dog ran right up to Boris from the back and boris bit him we were realy upset. there dosnt seam to have been any dameg done to the other dog and the owner was ok about it but were going to have to put boris`s muzzels back on him when hes on lead cos we carnt stop other peoepl dogs running up to him and we carnt make other owners call there dogs away from him. We think he was worres than normal cos Indy was there and my dogs are allso very protective over my frends dog lucy as shes getting on a bit and is deaf.

We never let him off in open areas and even in safe areas he weres a muzzel but one lead we havent been putting it on him. Think were going to have to again I couldnt cope if he realy hurt another dog
Sorry you had this bad experience Wendy, you shouldn't feel guilty you were being responsible with your dogs, it's not your fault the other dog ran up to Boris he was just protecting you and his pack by the sound of it and was probably startled by the dog running up behind him, don't feel bad about it, it's not your fault :huggles:
Dont feel at all guilty Wendy poor Boris was on a lead as you know he can be a bit funny if other people choose to have there dogs running looose this isnt Boris"s fault and he is only protecting you all. :))
Don't feel guilty at all, your dog was under control. One of my girls has a go at other dogs if they run up to her( she's always on a lead). Other dog owners think it's ok as their dog doesn't bite etc., but they should not assume all dogs are ok :thumbsup:
We have been talking and were going to put borises muzzel on him even when hes on lead. I get realy upset for him peoepl think its cos hes an ex racing greyhound he go for other dogs but its not its cos he dosent trust others. If you bring any dog on a walk with him after 20 minets you can take his muzzel of and he wont try to go for the dog at all once he knows its ok hes fine with it. Hes been to classes to socalis him and after a few times hes fine with all the dogs there but as soon as a new one turnes up he will go for it.

he loves lucy who we go for walks with and shes told him off may times and he backs off and hes so good with Indy hes got more paciance with her then any of the othe5r dogs. he just dosent like dogs coming right up to him he dosnt know. he dosnt bark or lung at them they have to come over to him but if they do he thinks there far game

this is boris and Indy a nasty dog wouldnt put up with this

Its certainly NOT your fault Wendy , My Libbee isnt too keen on other dogs jumping on her , and retaliates cos she is scared :( . If other folk kept their dogs under control you wouldnt be having a problem , would you ? :rant: