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WCRCh Fine & Dandy's first mating

Mark Roberts

The Ringmaster
Reaction score
Thought i'd let everyone know that WCRCh Fine & Dandy (WCRCh Just Dandy x Emma) owned by Ray Brion has just mated his first bitch, we used him on one of our bitch's Parkstone Taboo (WCRCh Kerry's Boy x Our Rose) they had two good matings so all being well pups will be due on the 2nd January.
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Things are coming along nicely with our bitch that was mated to WCRCh Fine & Dandy,

Candy (Parkstone Taboo) went off her food on the 22nd day (which is a good sign of pregnancy) and we've just done a pregnancy test on her and it's come up possitive so all being well the pups will be arriving early in the new year (2nd January).

A special thank you to June Symmons for bringing the pregnancy test kit down. :)

anyone interested can reach me on 07903 624876 or e/mail me through the link below.
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Hi Mark

When you talk about a pregnancy testing kit - do you mean like a human pregnancy testing kit using urine ?
Yep the Clear blue one, I know of 11 people who have used them on dogs (me 3 times now) and they have always proved correct so far, when they have said negative there have been no pups and when possitive there have been pups.

I rang the makers of clear blue a few year back to get their opinion on the matter, after a deadly silence and a bit of laughter around the office they asked their expert who recons that they should in theory be as accurate on dogs as they are on humans?.
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I say if it works use it! In theory though it shouldn't be accurate, as the human pregnancy tests test for the amounts of hormone in the urine. Bitches have the same hormone surges in pseudopregnancy, so although a negative will probably be correct, a positive will not be able to distinguish between a pregnancy, and a false pregnancy.

Glad Candy and Dandy seem to have got it on ok though. Good luck for the whelping - I'm sure you'll let me know when it happens! :D
Well! Candy's now 5 weeks pregnant (5th December), from the picture I think we can safely say the mating was sucessfull and that the Clear Blue pregnancy test kit was accurate AGAIN!

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Is that all? :p

Don't suppose you can predict sex & colour as well can you June :b
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I was having a mystic moment this evening, so I polished up my crystal ball - and here's what I saw. A couple of blue brindles, a blue, and wait for it - a little black bitch for you! :0 :D :D :D

What do you think Tony?
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ummmmmmmmmmmm June?

You predicted 6 pups:D but you only see a couple of Blue Brindles (2), a Blue (1) & MY little 20-22lb Black bitch with white toes (1) now? and I may be wronge? but when I was at school (yes both days) that made 4 :( so that leaves two more pups unaccounted for.

Can you have another look into you're ball and predict the others :p
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I reckon there could be a fawn as well. And quite a few particolours (Black, blue, brindle or fawn &white). So that means just about anything then. ;)
Hi June

Scott Frodshams e/mailed me to ask where his Black & White dog pup is???

Judy i'm sure Tony will be pleased to hear that you've predicted a fawn.

I think there should be ~ Blue, brindle, maybe Black/Black & White, Maybe Fawn and Parti's. And a partridge in a pear tree :D thought i'd be festive.

oh well only 3 1/2 week to go? :( i'm sure I must have been this anxious when the wife was expecting :b )

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don't forget mark i only want the fawn if its got a black mask !!




You're quite correct Mark, I did see the colours of only 4 pups - the crystal ball clouded over after that!! Not sure I saw the white paws on your bitch, I think you made that bit up! :0
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Hi June

The White toes must have been hiden by the Scratch on you're ball! :b

Tony You fancy a Partridge? I can understand why? it's the only bird you're likely to pull this xmas :p

I also see you're avator is of a short, fat, big eared, rosy cheeked irritating little thing? I suppose you thought you were looking in a mirror when you chose it :p i'll do my best for the Red/fawn with black mask for you.

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cheers mark

can't wait for the red fawnpup with the black mask that must mean i'll get the pick of the litter

talking of birds is it true thet call you thrush at the northern these days cos u are so irritating

all the best

On the basis that 2 reds had 2 blues - there must a red in there somewhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!

OOOOPS - sorry!!!
