I've just recieved a letter from the WCRA to say the Talk In will be on Saturday 14th January at the Fire Station, Parkers Lane, Morton-in-Marsh.
I have to let them know of any items for the agenda by 31st October so if you have any items you would like to be discussed can you let me know ASAP. It would be helpful if you could write down what your proposal is as it may need to be explained.
Provisional dates for the Championships next year are :
1st - Bend 9th April
2nd - Straight 4th June
3rd - Straight 6th August
4th - Bend 8th October
I have to let them know of any items for the agenda by 31st October so if you have any items you would like to be discussed can you let me know ASAP. It would be helpful if you could write down what your proposal is as it may need to be explained.
Provisional dates for the Championships next year are :
1st - Bend 9th April
2nd - Straight 4th June
3rd - Straight 6th August
4th - Bend 8th October
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