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Wcra Champs Back On August 2nd

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sue greenwood

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The WCRA are still holding their Championship event on August 2nd. There is an extension on bookings and all entries to go to Kim Saxby. Still to be held at Moreton in the Marsh as advertised.
The WCRA are still holding their Championship event on August 2nd.
More accurately the WCRA have re-instated their event.

The wcra committee members unanimously decided on Sunday that their Championship would be cancelled.
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I have read through the thread:-

If there is no mole within the WCRA committee, where do the opinions of the WCRA committee on Sunday, for example come from? If not from a mole then someone made them up for effect.

The WCRA sub committee of The Whippet Club was not formed to 'serve whippet racing', it is a sub committee of a larger body, its membership is voted in at The Whippet Club AGM, it is NOT there for whippet racing in general. It is there to administer the registration process for passports and the championships awarded by The Whippet Club. As a result, any decisions taken by the WCRA are taken on behalf of the Whippet Club. As in all walks of life, there are checks and balances on this system - and rightly so. Because the master of the WCRA is the Whippet Club committee, not the whippet racing fraternity. And when the WCRA acted contrary to the evidence and were told to act ACCORDING to the evidence that was the check and balance. But then, you all know that already don't you? Which is why the Federation has come into being.

Thinking ill of others is what has caused the schism within the field. Not the Whippet Club, nor its actions. That has been exemplary - maintaining an open mind until all the evidence has been collected and considered, consulting experts in the fields of both breeding and genetics, consulting with the KC and their experts BEFORE making a decision.

Why would any sane person be surprised to learn that the WCRA committee are to offer a Champs on the scheduled date once the decision had been made to form a Federation? Have you considered that it might not be spite, but jubilation tinged with relief? Or more to the point that the WCRA committee acted outside of its remit and was told that? The Whippet Club awards the championship title, NOT the WCRA so it would seem to me at least that an important decision such as the one taken on Sunday should have been taken with the agreement of the awarding body - not the rank and file racing fraternity.

Whatever happens, remember this, you did this to yourselves. No one made you. It seems to be nothing short of trite to say that the racing fraternity didn't want this to happen, that they admire the WCRA but not the Whippet Club, that what do the WC know about racing whippets etc etc. I am often reminded that I have been associated with the racing of whippets for a only the blink of an eye, and only owned them for a mere 9 years. What I know about racing whippets could be written on one half of a postage stamp. So I respectfully remind you all that the very people you disparage are the very people who set it up in the first place, who have maintained an interest in all things whippet, not just racing bred whippets, who have endeavored to maintain a balance with all disciplines of whippet activities and who have, over very many years turned up year after year to administer the championships without any consideration other than that of serving the discipline of racing on behalf of the Whippet Club. And for some of them, what they DON'T know about whippets could be written on the back of a postage stamp. How arrogant of any of us to consider that our expertise is more up to date, more relevant than that of people who have lived, breathed and fought for the whippet in all of its disciplines for the last 30 years or so. Their gentle, polite approach may be out of step but its charm is its strength and long may it go on being fair minded and balanced.

If the newly formed Federation can, 25 years down the line have someone saying the same things about them, then you will have done a good job.
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