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well its been a sunny afternoon so all my dogs have been soaking up the sun

jay started stalking a magpie who nonchalantly hopped on to the fence jay turned his back then the magpie flew off the fence directly at jay missed his head by 2 inchs and flew onto the other fence had jay been looking at the bird he could have eaten it for dinner this is not the first time these birds are getting quite aggressive

reminds me of a hitchcock film - THE BIRDS
one of my mum's cats killed a magpie a few years ago ... the other magpie (its mate) spent the rest of the summer divebombing the cats every time they left the house (w00t)
there evil things,they eat baby birds,its terrible.

must have had a young one near hand tina,or just damn right cocky.
My friend she lives on a farm nearby - has a magpie trap in her garden.

She keeps a live one in there and it attracts the others down. Bang (w00t) She says they are really vicious and peck the lambs eyes out and kill the small song birds too, so the numbers need to be kept down.
I love magpies so gorgeous,however they are members of crow family and will attack plus eat meat! I saw 6 magpies ambush a yorkshire terrier one day and couldnt believe the intelligence and team work theses birds had going.They all lined up along a fence 3 a side and when they dog walked throw the gully they swooped and peck at the dog! Neighbours had to go rescue him!

They are only doing what is in their nature,dont hate them. Worse animal on earth for distruction and malicious killing is an animal we are all familiar with " The Human Being!"
poor jay! nasty birds! a big hug for jay :huggles:
imperative said:
I love magpies so gorgeous,however they are members of crow family and will attack plus eat meat! I saw 6 magpies ambush a yorkshire terrier one day and couldnt believe the intelligence and team work theses birds had going.They all lined up  along a fence 3 a side and when they dog walked throw the gully they swooped and peck at the dog! Neighbours had to go rescue him!
They are only doing what is in their nature,dont hate them. Worse animal on earth for distruction and malicious killing is an animal we are all familiar with " The Human Being!"

How very true, dam good answer

keith :thumbsup:
Poor Jay :huggles: being under house arrest for so long then when you do go out those :rant: magpies attack you
Sorry but humans (some) eat baby animals, and a cat from over the road killed a baby blackbird that had just fledged just for the fun of it. :(