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War Wound


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I couldn't bring myself to photo this yesterday, it was a lot more swolen and was still leaking blood quite badly. Took him to the vet this afternoon, she'd had all the details faxed through from the Swansea vets :thumbsup: She was very pleased, no infection and the swelling had gone down a lot, but put him on anti inflammatories to reduce the irritation.

Sadly the vet-phobia we had on Tuesday hasn't yet abated, we had quite a struggle to inspect the wound again. Our vet (who has a soft spot for him) seemed genuinely surprised at the atypical behaviour, was sure that he'd be back to his calm self by the time the stitches have to come out, but I'm slightly worried, it seems fairly well set in. :unsure: He doesn't appear too traumatised, except when other people try to inspect the wound.


Poor Gelert :wub: :( Im so glad hes a tinsy bit better today Elizabeth.

For you all :luck: :huggles:
Ow that looks painful.You poor little thing.Give all my :wub: :huggles: and :luck: to Gelert.


oooooh that looks sore.give gelert a hug and a kiss from me.hope he heals up well soon :(
ouch poor lamb :(

looks like he is doing the best thing for it in the second picture. . . . -_- sleeping off the trauma

hope he is back up and bouncing soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:
Aww the poor little angel :huggles: Wishing you a speedy recovery Gelert :luck:
Poor little boy- his harem send him many many lurchery licks (and some very very small whippety ones too0
Yeouch! Poor wee soul :(

Give him big :huggles: from me,& wishing for a speedy recovery :luck:
:huggles: Ouch - that dog meant to hurt him didnt it :(

Hope he's feeling better soon. :luck:
Ooo poor little man :( hope he feels better soon :huggles:

ouch ... looks like that must have hurt :(

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for him :wub: :wub: :wub:
Poor little soldier :( :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
that looks horrible and you and Gelert must be in shock, hope it heals soon and any trauma disappears
Poor Gelert :( , I hope the swelling goes down and that he heals quickly, whippets are so brave aren't they, big hugs and licks from us for a very speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles:
Well, after taking the nice picture it actually got much worse again. As the wound began to heal, the fluid began to build up, it looked like he was sucking golfballs. After several days of bathing it hourly with saline solution, it has finally gone down again and he has stopped looking like a bull terrier with mumps. Thankfully he can eat biscuit food again, the pedigree chum upset his stomach badly :x

Went out for our first proper walk today, he was very happy to be out and about and zooming around like a puppy (fortunately we met no strange dogs). He was very good, we came upon a clearing with 8 roe deer (which are getting incredibly brazen these days) and amazingly he turned round and came back on command (w00t) . I'm guessing he's not quite back to his old self yet :- "
Awww glad to hear he is slowly on the mend Elizabeth :huggles: :huggles: it's probably made him a bit wary from his experience poor love :( :huggles: