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Wanted experience for poorly dog!!!!


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We have four whippets, just pets, but we have a problem with the youngest and I wondered whether there was any good advice amongst the racing fraternity.

The youngest is just over a year old, out of old coursing stock. following our holiday and beach running he started to become very stiff in his rear left leg. It got to the stage where he appeared not to be able to stand. To get up he draws his front legs very close to his body to alter the centre of gravity in his favour. When its bad he can't climb stairs, get on the sofa etc.

We have been to the vets and he has had a very thorough going over with nothing to be seen or felt. anti-inflammatories help, we have tried glucosamine. We followed a very limited exercise regime for him and he gets better, you can see in his personality when things are good.

We thought it was passing but then yesterday after one lap around the local field, walking on a lead mostly, we came home and he went to sleep. When he came round he was whining a bit, he's always very vocal, but then he couldn't stand. When you maniupulate his legs or feel his back he doesn't whince at all. I had to lift him up he was very unstaedy on his legs which tremoured. When I had turned him he went into a deep sleep and wouldn't wake even when I moved his legs or whispered in his ear. When he did wake he was a bit better. I gave him a little asprin and then we all went to bed. This morning its like nothing happened, he's full of beans!!!

Were he an older dog I could understand but does anyone know whats going on or can you recommend a greyhound/whippet specialist in East Mids area??

Thanks, I hope Martin
Can't help you with the E.midlands but there are 3 specialists in the Grtr Manchester area. Our youngest threw what looked like a stroke at about 14 mo. It cleared up within 8 hours & touch wood hasn't recurred, but it was very worrying!

I've heard of epilepsy in other breeds but never whippets. Don't know what form canine epilepsy takes but this thing seems to be running to some kind of "fit" pattern. There again it could be something as simple as a trapped nerve or a dislodged vertabrae which could be sorted by a chiropracter. However a vets advice comes before any other treatment.

If you don't find a specialist in your area contact me & I'll give you the numbers of the one's up here.

Hope things turn out OK for you.
Hi Martin

Sorry to hear of your problems. How near are you to Milton Keynes? There's an excellent greyhound vet there called Des Fegan - the tel no is 01908 200206. It does sounds perhaps like a trapped nerve? It is a worry with a young dog. I hope you get it sorted out soon. Do let us know how he goes on. Good luck.
It could be a trapped sciatic nerve. We had this happen to one of our dogs a while ago and it sounds it a bit similar. Keeping him on the lead for a couple of weeks and taking him to a chiropractor helped sort him out.