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Walking Puppy Off The Lead?


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My wee pup is now just over 3 months old and ive had her nearly 4 weeks, totally love her to bits :* :*

The question is, shes had all her jags and weve been taking her out on the lead for a walk.

When do you think i should take the next step and let her off.

What i have noticed is, on the extending lead(16 feet) she runs but always comes back to me, she doesnt stop but always runs back to my feet and past again.

I dont want to let her off to soon and risk her running off.

What tips can you give me.

:thumbsup: Good luck with your pup.

If you're new to whippet ownership, you might be interested in the FAQ forum. There are lots of "previously asked questions" gathered together there for people to read up on subjects like what food, pet insurance, crates etc. There's a section on exercise and quite a bit of info on recall training. :thumbsup:
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Excellent news

I let Nico off the lead last night, we were down the football park, no-one else around and off she went, playing great and she always ran back to me 8)

She loved to run beside me and try to trip me up :p :p

Im now happy to let her off the lead to explore knowing she's not going to run off.

Thanks for all the info you recomended.
awww thats great to hear! any pics of the little one? :thumbsup:
Need to take some more over the weekend but these are the ones i have so far of Nico










what a little cutie!!! :wub: :wub: please get more done soon!! good luck with her :luck: :huggles:
nico is :wub: :wub:

such a pretty little face :huggles:
shes a little beauty :wub: :huggles: glad youve plucked up the courage to let her run off lead,its lovely to watch them free run :thumbsup:
Awwww butter wouldn't melt o:) looks can be so decieving can't they :lol:

She is absolutley adorable :wub: :wub: :wub:
Yes those looks can really be deceiving....Im sure Nico is a little angel though... :wub: :wub: o:)
T28 said:
Excellent news
I let Nico off the lead last night, we were down the football park, no-one else around and off she went, playing great and she always ran back to me 8)

She loved to run beside me and try to trip me up  :p   :p

Im now happy to let her off the lead to explore knowing she's not going to run off.

Thanks for all the info you recomended.

Keep teaching her the recall, recall her, when she comes some really yummy treats that are only used for this, cheese, hot dog etc. then release her again all the time you have her out. She is still a baby and doesn't want to explore yet, once she gets to being a teenager, approx 6 to15 months, she will grow horns and want to investigate everything and completely ignore you. The more you reinforce the recall now, the better she will be as a teenager.

Also do this at home in the house and garden as well. :cheers: