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Waiting for a Gass explosion!


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Oh dear, It's happened again.
Luckily it was only chicken carcasses this time. Usually it is fatty butchers waste.
Someone, has helped herself to a bag of de-frosting chicken carcasses, others have helped her, but there is only one who has a hugely bloated belly and the owner of this belly is looking very guilty. :rolleyes:
I had partly de-frosted some bags of carcasses and put them up high in big black bins to continue thawing over night. somehow a certain little person had climbed onto the table by stepping on to the lawn mower and toppled over a bin that was even higher still on top of my Large mincing machine. She has obviously had first pickings, others are just looking full!
I am just wondering how bad the house may smell in the morning, although I don't expect it to be as bad as the fatty stuff that I get from the butcher.
Luckily we have a dog flap that everyone knows how to use to get outside.

Uh-oh :confused: How many do you think they've eaten between them? I hope you like sleeping with the windows wide open!
I have no idea how many they may have eaten, they were all squashed together in bags, this is the reason they were being partly thawed so that I could separate them. There is only the one girl who 's tummy is tight enough to ping a tune on.
Luckily they all sleep down stairs in their beds. Some mornings there may be a dog lying across the stairs. They will not come upstairs until they hear me walking across the landing, and then they make their morning greetings on the top few stairs.

Oh no - hopefully not too awful a night ahead ...
"nom nom nom..burb'... I wonder why mum left our food up there? Is she trying to play games with us? ":D
PHEW !!!!!
The smell has even reached the bedroom, husband says he can smell it.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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Phew, clear air at last! It took over 24hrs for the burps and farts to finish.
The tummy has at last gone back to normal, but she does put weight on awfully quickly!
Yesterday she only had a teeny weeny token of food when the others were fed, the nearest I could offer to a starvation feed without her feeling forgotten. She will be on short rations now for a few days.:rolleyes:
Oh poor little thing, un-loved, un-wanted and un-der fed!!:oops: