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Waffling Wednesday!


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Is today the day everyone posts on the daily thread?????? :flowers: Please????? o:) hehe

I had a couple of glasses of wine last night and am feeling a little groggy - add into that getting a letter from Finn's school asking for a picture of him playing his favourite hobby - needing to be in THIS MORNING and I am stressed!!!!

So much to do today its not funny - I was meant to be going xmas shopping in Hungerford but have had to cancel :(

Have a good day everyone!
Jeepers they didn't give you much time did they!!!??!!!

I'm just having a quick tea break before a meeting. Fancy a few custard creams too yum!

Hope everyone has a lovely day :)
I am doing this 'Fast Food' diet and am Fasting today - i want custard creams!!!!
Hahaha oh dear.... You can have as many as you want tomorrow!!! :)
And I really fancy a bag of crisps! lol

However I was good and have had soup!

I just opened the cupboard and saw some crinkly cheddars - that i LOVE and the kids aren't allowed and I actually said out loud 'Tomorrow.....'

lol - I am going mad!! hehe
I've worked out over the years of trying to lose weight (unsuccessfully, mainly due to medication and disabilities) that I can con my brain into being happy and satisfied with just one crisp, chip, chocolate or sweet because I've worked out that my snacking urges are sated by the taste I'm craving and once I've had that taste then all of the rest of the bag or packet is wasting calories.

There's a bar of chocolate in my cupboard that it's taken me months to eat and I get chocolates delivered regularly and have 2 boxes unopened at the moment because I've still not finished the box from a couple of months ago. This also works if my OH is having a bag of sweets- he opens the bag and gives me one or two, then knows that he can finish the bag, safe in the knowedge that I won't nick any more. Bags of crisps can often last 4 or 5 sittings.

This doesn't work if I'm hungry though- if I'm hungry then I go and eat proper food. The snacking urge is just an urge that drives me mad- until I eat a single crisp, biscuit, sweet etc.

Just stop looking at adverts or talking about food today banana- you'll be fine :)
That is actually a genius idea!! I totally agree with you - I often just want to have the taste (or even the texture or crunch!!) of crisps/choc/biscuits.
Today here is raining, cold Wednesday...another one here at the dieting lark... a taste of one don't work for me I just don't have any :( eww!
What a wet, miserable Wednesday it is. My lot do not enjoy wet windy walks and neither do I. Still ever the optimist I bought a snow shovel today.!!!

Beautiful day here in Scotland . Had a lovely walk in the sunshine , makes a change !

Only ever buy very small bars of chocolate . I only eat one and that's my lot .

All this food talk is making me hungry !
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My feet are killing me - I ahve been at the School fair on and off all day..

Next school fair on Friday and then thats it for this year - thank goodness!!!!
Oh my word, I have has the busiest day - first time I've managed to get online today.

Loooong day at work, then I saw a friend for a bit of shopping and dinner, long drive home and now I've just flopped on my sofa after feeding/watering/cuddling all the animals :)
Well I've just spent the evening trying to console a friend who has just found out that the court has awarded custody of her stepdaughter to her grandparents on the other side of the family so she won't see her in future, so it's really not been a happy happy evening.

It wasn't happy even before then really- I got my first batch of made to measure compression garments earlier on, only to find that they had cocked up the manufacturing and they are way too big and couldn't compress their way out of a wet paper bag! So that leaves me with the off the peg uncomfortable ones for another month :(
Oh no - I'm so sorry for your friend :(

Rubbish about the compression bandages - I know just how horrid they can be when they don't fit correctly!!
The big problem with the ones I have now is that whilst the area they are meant to be compressing isn't tight enough, other areas are so tight that they cause splits in the skin and rip the splits open when I move. This means that one of the biggest issues I have (keeping the skin intact and in good condition) is screwed up by the garments that are meant to be treating the problems, which is a bit of a git. And of course, being as unusual in height, size and shape as I am, there are no brands of off the peg garments that will improve the fit.

Hey ho, things will get better and there will be a lifetime of getting them made to the right measure once the manufacturers in Denmark have worked out what fits properly and what to put in each of the boxes.

And it's Friday :)