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Virus threat


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It's probably a bit late to tell everyone but there is a new virus about (since beginning of October) called Bugbear.

This virus is now VERY common & I'm getting several infected emails a day (6 today). I've just spent the morning cleaning the virus from one of my customers systems & have taken another call this afternoon from another with an infected computer. You probably will not notice that you are infected but the virus logs all your key strokes and sends them off to an unknown Internet destination. So any username/passwords or credit card information you type can be logged and transmitted.

The other aspect of the virus is that it emails everyone in your address book with random copies of emails (together with the virus) from in your inbox. The From: address on these emails is forged to look like it didn't come from you but from a randomly chosen person in your address book. Today I got several bounced emails to messages that apparently came from me but I know they didn't.

I'm sure everyone who is reading this uses email and it’s very likely you will at some point receive infected email. Please check that your virus definition files are up to date (and keep them up to date – every week). If you don't use any Anti Virus software you really need to.
Thankyou for this information Nigel, we will have to have a look at our files.. thanks again..
i have been warned about two virus appearing in msn mail these both are anything to do with lopez or brittony spears