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Viewing A Pup.. And Betraying Our Old Girl


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Here's my first real post, and I hope some of you can relate and help......Does anyone have any advice on viewing a pup? It should be easy.... but it's not! (My apologies for the ensuing ramble) Short version...old whippy, thinking of new pup, feeling guilty.

This is my situation: I have a very dear old girl whippy who probably would be laughed at by any breeder ( she does have papers though), but she is very loved, she has pricked ears, is not a fashionable colour, and is either too small or too big depending on who you ask...big chest (runs a lot), short legs, too fat at 12kg, but all muscle and 110% heart. She's absolutely my girl and I could not live without her. My young son loves her but needs a dog of his own who will play with has to be a whippet (parent's choice)!

I nearly lost our girl last week due to illness, but she's pulled through. She was hospitalised last Friday after collapsing, and I thought she'd never come home again, thankfully she's recovered. I can't think of losing her, and my heart is breaking for all those whose whippets are unwell, I could not continue without her and can't bear the thought of upsetting her in any way. The word "Pup" even seems to affect her, she gets sulky.

How will my girl react, she's been in my family longer than my son? My husband wants another whippy, so he's not a problem. My old girl seemed OK with my mother's obnoxious Shitzu cross, and put up with him for 2 weeks without baring her teeth, she did better than me: she's met a whippet litter and picked out a pup, who we later decided against (I'm a such a bad mummy,), and seems very amiable when we meet other dogs (not just whippies). She was raised with an older Whippet (not related), but long departed.

We have been looking to add to our whippet family for around 6 months now, but we have had a few false starts... we applied for 2 rescue whippets, but they were considered too dominant to fit into our family (the agencies decided without meeting us). We have a large yard, good fences, I only work one day and walk my girl for an hour at least daily by the river, bunny chasing is OK as in our world bunnies are it's whippet paradise! Foxes are feral and are also fair game! Cats are boring.....we have 2. I think we are a good family or whippets.

Whippets seem less popular in our neck of the woods, than in the UK, and are hard to come by, all litters are usually spoken for, especially bitches. I've emailed at least 10 breeders, and have viewed a couple of litters, and are now very nervously about to view another litter. The last couple of litters viewed were lovely, as all whippet puppies are, but on viewing the parents who were show contenders, we decided they were a bit robust for our old fashioned whippet eyes ( it's our problem, our distorted view, faces a little bit too square and parents a bit too tall).....just not our kind of whippet (they broke the mould when they made our girl....thank God say the breeders!) It does seem that our whippet is old fashioned and maybe they don't breed whippets the same anymore?

Our family is pining for another whippet, but I am very, very can anyone offer any words of wisdom? We are unfortunately not in the seem are all so nice and supportive but very far away, and all the lovely little whippets joining familes are breaking my heart, I wish I was over there with you, life would be simpler (whippet wise), Whippets are a bit of a rarity here, maybe we can move continents...but it may take a while, but I've thought about it.

Any kind words and advice would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I'm betraying my girl, and don't want to make a mistake. How do I know of the pup is right?
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ah, how sad about your poor old girl :( hope she is feeling better and stronger now :luck:

where abouts are you? I'm sure you'll be able to find someone on K9 not too far from you, where ever it is :)

If you are determined to get a new whippet you might want to look on the racing pages, my friend has racing whippets and some racers are tiny :huggles: and yes, some of them don't have 'perfect' ears either :- "

but, like you, I would be thinking long and hard about how it will affect your oldie, she may be feeling vulnerable with her age and illness, a bouncy puppy could cause her distress :unsure: although you do hear stories of new pups bringing a new lease of life to oldies, it is a difficult one :wacko:

my oldie is 10 and is in good health, but my 7 month old pup can be a total pain and he can find the pup a bit much :angry:

sorry, not much good advice for you, best of luck with whatever you decided :thumbsup: :luck:
in my humble opinion...dont do it if your not 100% sure you want to . simple as that ! if you think your old dogs "nose will be out " will be. ! be sure. either way your decision will be the correct one at the time...hope its the right one for the rest of the time :thumbsup:

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Welcome to K9. :thumbsup: It sounds like you are in the US?

I personally think it would be a gamble bringing a pup into the house. It could either work and pup would have a lovely mentor in your older dog, and your older dog could suddenly gain a newish lease of life, or it could go wrong and the older dog will be stressed, which would be a bit unfair if it is not well. You would have to ensure an older dog gets plenty of opportunity to be on its own and to rest and sleep undisturbed. Your older dog will definitely resent the intrusion into its quiet life at first, and it would take a while to adjust. Just how quickly it would adjust is dependent on your dog and her temparement and health. If you dog was that little bit younger and not unwell, I think you would be OK.

It's a difficult one and I don't envy you the decision. :unsure: I wonder if it would be better to wait and get a pup, and then another one, once first pup reaches junior age. :teehee: Two youngsters will get on like house on fire.

Just a thought. Good luck :luck:
Hi Sasha

When our previous whippet, Josh, was 10 we decided that we were in a position to get another puppy. But 2 days before we were due to pick him up Josh was diagnosed with kidney failure :( which meant he only had a few months left. We went ahead anyway and Josh seemed to accept Muffin quite well. We made sure that the puppy wasn't allowed to pester Josh and he had to spend the nights downstairs in his crate so that Josh could carry on spending the night with us. It's difficult to know if Josh accepted him because he didn't feel well enough to make other feelings known or if he genuinely liked him. If either dog lost out I would say it was the puppy as dealing with Josh's illness was so time consuming. We were really glad we had gone ahead with Muffin as he was such a comfort when Josh died 6 months later. :huggles:

So I would say it is possible to introduce a puppy to a much older dog even when that dog has been used to being the much loved only dog. In fact, I would say that it has been more of a problem introducing our second puppy, Jonah, to Muffin (who is now 2) as he has been quite jealous of him, although they do get along quite well together most of the time! :- " But maybe if you're really concerned it might be better to wait just in case things don't work out and you end up feeling really guilty on behalf of your old whippet. It also wore me out coping with Josh's illness and a new pup.

What is your whippet's name by the way? Whatever you decide, I hope things will work out for you OK. And just to show you that they can get on, here is my favourite picture of Josh & Muffin taken 2 months before Josh died. :wub:

Your girl sounds like a whippet with good and stable personality so I would not fear of her not accepting the pup or being resentful. Just make sure you set the rules for the puppy not to pester her too much and give her more privileges than to the younger one.

Also, I dont think dogs think in 'our terms' - and also dont think you need to prepare yourself for any sort of 'betrayal act'. Dogs are pack creatures by nature and majority of them do welcome other members as theire companions. (When properly intergrated, of course).

Best of luck with your decision! :luck:
:huggles: Hello and welcome. What a lovely reply and photo from gillywigs. I was thinking along the same lines cos have been in that position myself and yes, the puppy was such a comfort. Only you know your whippet and whatever you decide, I know it will be the right decision for you and her. Good luck :luck:
Like others have said your girl sounds lovely and it certainly sounds like she is accepting of other dogs.

My old whippet X Tizer who stayed with my parents when I left home is a very strange old boy :blink: . We got him from a local rescue home 9 years ago and I believe he must have been about 5 or 6 then - we think he was probably mistreated, which meant that he's never interacted like other dogs. He doesn't really respond to cuddles and has never really learnt how to play. But never the less he is a sweetie and we love him to bits.

Despite his old age and 'oddness' he has seen the arrival of 1 pesky dobermann puppy and now 4 whippet puppy's and has taken it all in his stride. We really believe that the new arrivals rejuvenated him and have brought a bit of spark back to his life. If it hadn't been for the youngsters I think he wouldn't have survived the loss of his long time companion Molly last year.

If our Tizer can cope with it I imagine most dogs can! :))

I understand that it must be a really difficult decision but you sound like you have a lovely home to offer another dog :huggles:

Here's out funny old Tizer at Christmas! :wub:

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Helo and Welcome to you and your gorgeous girl :wub:

Im sure you will know when the time and the puppy is right - its a gut feeling .... very good luck. :luck:
My mum's whippet was 16 years when I got my puppy and she ignored him, but she did use his alert barks for the door bell etc and joined him at the front door. She did not seem upset by the new addition and we made sure he did not bother her too much.
Thanks for all the advice, and sorry not to have replied sooner, things got hectic.

The best things about forums is that you get so many experiences, so I'm keeping an open mind when viewing the pup tomorrow, but I will be very mindful of my girl's needs. Hopefully I'll only fall in love with the little one if he's right. Moss and Tilly's run in have convinced me that it would be safer to get a boy to go with my girl. the pot plants will jsut have to put up with the extra watering.

My old girl is back to her usual antics, and managed a long run this morning, so health wise she's up to a challenge. Her health is usually good, good hearing and eyesight, so there's no possibility of being ambushed by a pesky little pup.

I'll post pics of my girl soon, just having trouble choosing the right one(s).

If there are any Aus Whippet owners, especially NSW, I'd love to get in contact, I'm way out past the mountains, so there's not that many whippets about.
:huggles: I envy you going to view puppies you lucky thing :thumbsup: I'm sure you will make the right decision but dont be afraid of introducing a new baby to your old girls. They will probably take over and mother a new baby - I know mine do. Good luck :luck: and please let us know what happens - oh, and some pics would be good too :teehee:
sasha66 said:
Thanks for all the advice, and sorry not to have replied sooner, things got hectic.
The best things about forums is that you get so many experiences, so I'm keeping an open mind when viewing the pup tomorrow, but I will be very mindful of my girl's needs.  Hopefully I'll only fall in love with the little one if he's right.  Moss and Tilly's run in have convinced me that it would be safer to get a boy to go with my girl.  the pot plants will jsut have to put up with the extra watering.

My old girl is back to her usual antics, and managed a long run this morning, so health wise she's up to a challenge.  Her health is usually good, good hearing and eyesight, so there's no possibility of being ambushed by a pesky little pup.

I'll post pics of my girl soon, just having trouble choosing the right one(s).

If there are any Aus Whippet owners, especially NSW, I'd love to get in contact, I'm way out past the mountains, so there's not that many whippets about.

Glad your girl is feeling better, and good luck for when you see the puppy :luck: :luck: