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Vets Visit - 1st Injections

Lotti Legs

New Member
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Oh well we'v just been to the vets to get Lottis 1st jab done and 1st off we had a barney with the vets nurse that I think if she smiled her face really would have cracked, :lol: , about what breed she is, She asked me what breed she is and I said Lurcher.

So she says "Oh I thought she was a toy breed".

I said "No believe it or not she's a Greyhound Cross"

Nurse "So she's a Greyhound Cross not a Lurcher" :blink:

Me "No she's a Lurcher. Which can be anything cross Greyhound"

Then to her colour......

Nurse "Black and Orange"

Me "No She's Black and Cream. She gets it from the Saluki in her. She's actually a Saluki/Greyhound/Whippit cross"

Nurse "So she's not a Lurcher then she's a Saluki/Whippit/Greyhound cross?" :huh: :rolleyes: :wacko:

Oh and I really wont go in to the bit where she said "She's JUST a cross breed" :( :angry: <_<

And so I go in to the slow-mo .....a ...... Lurcher ........ is ...... a ........ ANY...... Sighthound....... Cross.

SHE'S A LURCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

So anyways we get past Missus Smiley and get in to see the ever more happy and (non) smiley Vet, to be told as soon as I put her on the table that "This dog is emaciated(sp?). All you feel is her bones!" .

The Vet was shocked when I told him she had actually grown alot and put quite abit of weight on. Bless her.

I dont think Id say she's emaciated(sp?) as such any more. She most definalty was when I got her though. I think she's just got that, and will have that extra slim Sighthound figure.

Right sorry thats my rant over with now :lol:
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What an experience! If I were you I would change my vet! :eek:

Luckily, our vet is lurcher-knowledgeable and is brilliant :)
What a way to treat people ! Do they actually want to have clients because with that attitude they soon won't have any :(
if i were you and there was another vet in the area i would change, if they don't know what they are looking at when faced with a sighthound then how will they know to treat her and you have to have confidence in them, get the 2nd jab done there and get a vet you like
Yeah thanks guys.

Im actually registerd at a different vets but the 1st jabs and chip are afair bit cheaper in this one (just spent an astonishing(sp?) amount on Flee and Worming stuff for the lot of them).

But no I certainly wont be goin back there again once the last injection and Chipping is done, even if it is just 5mins walk from me. Id rather have to get on the mission of getin them on the bus, LoL.
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What a nightmare! Some vets are hilarious. I had the reverse with my vet. She asked what breed Strider was when I took him for jabs, so I said deerhound x deerhound/greyhound/collie. She said "Oh so what you really mean is, he's a lurcher". I reply "yes, but I know the precise breeding so I thought I'd tell you in case it was helpful." Vet:"Well he's definately a lurcher". I have to say she is a fantastic vet and I really like her but this did make me smile :D It's weird how some people are insistent that lurchers are 'just' cross breeds and others think being a lurcher is better than being a pure breed. I guess it takes all sorts. Glad to hear Lotti is coming along well. It can be a nightmare when they are a bit thin. When I rescued my Chloe it was embarassing, people would point and stare at her and then mutter after clearly thinking we were abusing her, I wished I could attach a sign to my forehead saying "I rescued this dog and it wasn't me that got her in this state!!" :D I have to say it's so much more rewarding when you turn a dog round like that. Keep going with Lotti. She is gorgeous and well worth all your efforts.


If you are thinking about insurance in future it's sometimes cheaper to have your dog classed as a 'crossbreed' rather than a 'lurcher' :-

I had a similar experience with my rescued ferrets. Advised to register with a "ferret friendly" Vets. Fine over time until last booster reminder came, with a discount for both. Made appointment for after work. Got a call whilst getting them ready, for me to go then"As I shouldnt have been given a late one for them". Got there, surgery packed and a nurse was walking around asking if anyone just for jabs. "Yes" I said, she just looked at the boys and said "I don't do them" and flounced off! Finally got in and the young vet just looked at me and said "How shall I hold them". Finally jabbed, went to the desk to pay, handed their discount voucher over, to be told it wasnt meant for the ferrets. I just said "You sent it", paid the bill, minus the discount and left.

Needless to say, Elsie isn't having her jabs there and neither will the boys in future.

Good Luck with Lottie

They sound very rude and ignorant to me!!Good on you for changing your vets,they don,t deserve your custom.
