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Very Sad Week In Team Kenzongos


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Hi all K9rs!

I´ve had a very, very bad week indeed. I have lost my dear Ch Zootsuits Lonely Hearts today due his back being paralysed. I went to a normal trip to dogpark and all my boys were running freely; Jamo soon yelled heartbreaking; and I was very near him to see, that he had suddenly lost controll ab. his backside...

I instantly drove to vet and she couldn´t give us any hope after taking x-ray, so I had to make an instant decision to let Jamo go to the rainbow bridge. He was almost 9yrs old and my very dear mate in so many ways not just showrings. Beautifully shaped, sound male with lots of attitude and such a beautiful character. I will add a pic to you all to see how beauty he was.

I will miss him so deeply and will allways ask "why"?

Same week, on Wednesday, I was at another sighthoundmeeting with my boys. Few Borzois took my Hula to be an eye-sore to, and chased him -and not just chased him, they also bite him too.

Vet sewed 8 stitches. Happily HE is still alive.

I am so depressed right now but hopefully we all in Team Kenzongos "will rise".

Kiss&hug your Whippies now, you´re never know what tomorrow brings.

Anita w. boys

RIP Jamo :(

My thoughts are with you at this sad time.


Get well soon Hula :luck:
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I will add some more piccies here ab. my boys, Hula w. no face. He usually wants to put his face under pillow; like this...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Sudden death is always much more difficult to deal with.

Best wishes to Hula for speedy recovery :luck: :flowers:

Thank you jue332 and seraphina for your support. I´m crying here now as disconsolatenessly (hope I wrote it ok) cause my mind can´t understand this situation at all.

I am so like handicapped without Jamo and couldn´t wish this fate to anyone.

I miss him so much. :(
Scott Frodsham said:
Sorry to hear this, what was the diagnosis?  :(

Well, x-ray were ok, but vet told that this dog was one of the worsest cases she was ever seen. Perhaps nerve/nerves were badly injured and prognose was in her opinion near zero.
Jamo was such a great showdog, I must tell. Judges from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Britain, US, Ireland, Italy... from EVERYWHERE they liked him. I miss him SOOOO much. He was such a lovely companion to live with. I am just cracked.
This may not be of any comfort to you now, it is natural to be distraut you are in shock, but please try and remember the happy times, things that Jamo did and made you laugh, thinking of you.


Chin up, he wouldn't want you to be sad.
jue332 said:
This may not be of any comfort to you now, it is natural to be distraut you are in shock, but please try and remember the happy times, things that Jamo did and made you laugh, thinking of you.


Chin up, he wouldn't want you to be sad.

Yep, I understand you correctly, but I am crying at large by reading comments as you wrote... But OK, we surely had enourmously fun together. For example Jamo was visiting Netherlands ab. some months and in knl StripPoker there´s babies sired after Jamo, one male in Finland.

He was such a BIG dog, and only 51 cm "high". :wub:
Memories are so so precious, the fun times are what Jamo would like you to think of :)

again thinking of you

jue332 said:
Memories are so so precious, the fun times are what Jamo would like you to think of  :)

again thinking of you


Perhaps it is too soon to think ab. the good memories..... I am full of self-reproach at the time, but I hope that I will calm down in this "matter" and could think some day, that I couldn´t have done anything otherwise. I hope that Jamo will forgive me.
jue332 said:
Memories are so so precious, the fun times are what Jamo would like you to think of  :)

again thinking of you


So so sorry to hear of your very very sad loss. Thinking of you and Jamo now and wishing Hula a very speedy recovery.

Sad story and very bad luck for you and them.


Kim :) :D :D
Such a sad sad week for you and your beloved dogs.

I am thinking of you and Jamo and wishing Hula a very speedy recovery.

I know the sad feelings you are having as I lost my previous dog last year, you must take comfort from Hula and hug him loads and loads.

Cheers, thinking of you.

KIM :) :D :D :D :)) :)) :)
Such a sad sad week for you and your beloved dogs.I am thinking of you and Jamo and wishing Hula a very speedy recovery.

I know the sad feelings you are having as I lost my previous dog last year, you must take comfort from Hula and hug him loads and loads.

Cheers, thinking of you.

KIM :)   :D   :D   :D   :))   :))   :)

Thanks for your support! I do really need hugs now! :)