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Very Poorly Whippet, Expert Required.....


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Hi there

My mum has very poorly whippet girl, 7 years old......for last few months, not really eating much, did lose a lot of weight, last week put a pound back on, eating fish, chicken and bland stuff....bearing in mind liver levels...

twice a week going mad for grass and bringing up bile...but not daily

Bloods reveal nothing going on pancreas (or nothing that shows in results at least)

LIVER - raised levels

Ultrasound reveals to date NOTHING!

Most of time drinking, and wee and poo normal, but occasional bouts of bright orange poop...

Intermittent temperature, last night before vet visit 104!!!

Goes from one day to being on deaths the next day eating for england and pinging around the house.

Currently using "an allrounder vet" but wondered if anyone has any recommendations for sighthound vet in Thames Valley, michael doherty has been recommended to date.

Next course of action specialist in Winchester to do a further ultrasound...this little dog is my 74 year old mums life...she definately isnt ready to go yet, a little fighter, but many hundreds of pounds later and lots of weeks gone buy and we still have no idea what is wrong with her!
hi Anne, it's Julie (w00t)

try Andrew Bartholomew

35 iffley road, oxford, ox4 1ea

01865 242600

Hi there
My mum has very poorly whippet girl, 7 years old......for last few months, not really eating much, did lose a lot of weight, last week put a pound back on, eating fish, chicken and bland stuff....bearing in mind liver levels...

twice a week going mad for grass and bringing up bile...but not daily

Bloods reveal nothing going on pancreas (or nothing that shows in results at least)

LIVER - raised levels

Ultrasound reveals to date NOTHING!

Most of time drinking, and wee and poo normal, but occasional bouts of bright orange poop...

Intermittent temperature, last night before vet visit 104!!!

Goes from one day to being on deaths the next day eating for england and pinging around the house.

Currently using "an allrounder vet" but wondered if anyone has any recommendations for sighthound vet in Thames Valley, michael doherty has been recommended to date.

Next course of action specialist in Winchester to do a further ultrasound...this little dog is my 74 year old mums life...she definately isnt ready to go yet, a little fighter, but many hundreds of pounds later and lots of weeks gone buy and we still have no idea what is wrong with her!
Hi Annie

I had a whippet with similar symptoms, and she had a condition which was very rare in dogs, but quite common in cats. It took the vets I worked for a long time (over 18 months - 2 years) to diagnose, and by the time we opened her abdomen out of desperation, it was too late - her liver was a mess. The condition was called Cholangiohepatitis. Because it is so uncommom in dogs, they didn't think of it. She was only well when she had steroids, which were only masking her problems. Her temperature went up to 106 at times, and she looked as though she was about to die - then after steroids, we had the old Lucy back again for a short while.

They tried her on the recommended antibiotic for the condition which was Metronidazole, and she lived for another 6 months. If the condition had been picked up earlier, I think she could have been OK. It might be worth mentioning to your vet.

Good luck, and let us know how things go xxx
Hey Julie thanks for the recommendation!! will ring em now!

June - that sounds more like it.....and also she did have some hepatitus type thing years ago, which she picked up from somewhere but wasnt the normal type....hmmmmmm. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know this info!! - I have literally just called and now emailed the vet.

i really hope you get some good luck with this :luck:
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: