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Very low platelet level


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We took our jack russell to the vets on monday as he was not eating and was sleeping all the time. His temperature was very high. The vet noticed his tongue was white so did some blood tests. The tests shown that his platelets were 9 compared to a normal range of 175 to 200. They gave him an iron injection and put him on a high dose of steroid tablets. He has since been a lively jack russell jumping and wanting food often and has put on weight. We Took him back today to do the tests again. His temperature is normal now and he seems fine but the tests show that his platelets are now down to 7. They have doubled the high dose of steroids now and we now have to take him back on monday to do the tests again. The vet said if he is still low on monday they have a labarador on standby to give him a blood transfusion

We are feeding him rice and chicken 4 times a day and have been advised not to walk him

Does any body have any advice on how we can build up his platelets
Sorry, I really think this one is best left to the professionals. If you're not completely confident in your current vet then get a second opinion from another recommended vet. There are so many factors that could be causing his condition that any recommendation by someone with a similar experience could make things worse as much as better since it may not be caused by the same thing and you have yet to figure out what's going on.

Sorry not to be of more help, but we are definitely here to support you in this. Please keep us posted and I hope your little guy is better soon.