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Very Big Whippets..


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Have returned from a lovely weekend in the New Forest visiting an old school chum and family.

We share lots of interests, one of them being our love for dogs.

Here are their two Great Danes Geoffrey and Myrtle..both from Great Dane Rescue. They are such gentle giants, brilliant with her two young daughters (my God daughters :wub: ).

This is Myrtle enjoying the sunshine with the new addition to the family...

This is a head study of her.....a blue roan. Not a permitted breed standard colour for a Great Dane, but she's beautiful anyway.

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..and here they both are on the common nearby. Lucky or what ??????

They are such lovely dogs Nicola :wub: I do like Great Danes a lot and did consider at one time having one after losing Chip - but they are very LARGE dogs to say the least (w00t) so opted back for my overall favourite - The whippet of course. But they are Gorgeous still - and you are very lucky to be able to see them now and then :thumbsup:
Beautiful pictures I always think Great Danes are very noble looking :thumbsup: Love the one of Geoffrey :wub: Good job they've got so much space to run about on on the common looks like they'll need it :lol:
I love the large breeds and these 2 are gorgeous!! :wub: :wub: Lovely scenery as well. :)
WOW, I love Danes. That blue merle is :wub: . Now how long is it till Christmas?