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Very Beautiful Staff/mastiff Cross ?


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Just about to take my lot out today for their walk when there was a knock at the door.

Little lad about 9 asking had i lost one of my dogs.

I said no & he said they had a dog round the corner that had been following them all morning running in & out of the road & they had just managed to catch it & as everyone knows i have dogs i was this little lads first port of call.

He said he would have to let it go then as his mum wouldnt let him take it home :(

So armed with a lead, off i went with him.

The dog was just BEAUTIFUL :wub: :wub:

Very boisterous, very friendly & incredibly STRONG :- "

Young male, entire, approx 14 - 18 months. Fawn with white feet & white on back of neck. Good condition VERY well muscled, taller & larger than a staff, possibly some pit bull in him?? Superb temperament.

I brought him home, fed & watered him then rang the police who said nothing to do with them :- " , ring the RSPCA, who said nothing to do with them :- " , ring the local dog warden, who was on answer phone & on holiday all over the Bank holiday :angry:

Thankfully i then rang Battersea Dogs homes Windsor Branch Bellmead Kennels who agreed if i could get him there they would take him in.

So off we went to Bellmead, he is not chipped & had no i.d on him but was wearing a red nylon harness.

Bellmead think he may either be a pit that has been turfed out or dumped over the Bank Holiday as owners are away. :(

If anyone knows of someone who has lost a dog fitting this description in the Middlesex area please pass this info on.

Wishing this little chap lots of luck for a good home if not :luck: :luck:
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Lucky boy that you took him in, :thumbsup: Bellmead will find him a good home, used to live in Middlesex myself before we moved to Norfolk. :D
good on you nina for helping this lad out. :huggles: i do so hope he hasnt been dumped but if he has then i hope he gets another home quickly :luck: :)