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Very bad week


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So annoyed some horrible selfish person has smashed in to my car and driven away, I'm gutted I saved up long and hard to replace my 13 year old Polo with a brand spanky new Suzuki Alto only got him (Alfie) in december and this has happened, why are some people such B*****d's?? Totally ruined my week! Which was not going that well anyway, Murf my older dog had op last week to remove 3 fatty lumps, all went well until Tuesday night when after walkies I noticed that 2 of the wounds were hard and swollen so back to the vets on wednesday for antibiotics and he has been on strict house arrest since then so I'm already coping with barking and tantrums due to lack of exercise then I saw my car!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR :rant:
oh noooo! You only wrote on here yesterday about your car too, hope you get it all sorted, and have a better weekend!
That's awful. Try and keep your chin up.

I had someone hit my brand new car a few years ago and drive off. I thought I was lucky when a witness told me the car details so off I went down the police station. Told them about it and was told nothing they can do.

As I was paying in excess of £1500 a year in insurance and being a young driver I decided to take the hit on the repair and pay for it myself as to no affect my no claims.

£900 lighter and I thoight that would be the cheapest option.

Comes to renewal and I receive a letter from my insurance saying that the police have informed them I had an accident and my premiums would go up as a result.

The other driver was never caught I am still paying now because it's within the last 5 years.

It always seems to happen when you have new cars.

I hope your dog gets better soon.
Aw thanks guys, needed a rant!!

Just been to garage and its going to be just under £300 to repair the damage, so I'm just going to take the hit and pay it without going through insurance, seems the best longterm option. So mad tho!!

Murphy going back to vets after I finish work today so will see if the stitches can come out or not and hopefully house arrest can be over, he does not take enforced rest well!

On call for work this weekend lets hope its busy I need to make £300 LOL!!

Good news at last!! Murphy got stitches out and is allowed off lead again, so after an hour around the woods tonight my house is quiet!!!!!
So pleased Murphy is ok, but how rotten about your car!!!!! :(

A colleague once hit my car and didnt tell me... I only knew it was her when I saw MY custom paint colour on her bumper!
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aaw good news anout murphy! Yay!

Dizzyjenni- thats really bad! Did you hit the roof?!
hit the roof? I'd have hit her!!!

I did carry out a carpark inspection at work yesterday looking for white paint on another car, diddnt find any. Tesco is the most likely area it happened. On the plus side I do get to drive husbands Range Rover for a couple of days whilst mine gets fixed!!