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At the risk of setting off fireworks here......

Why are some people against vaccinations? I'm hoping to get my new dog vaccinated at the weekend, but am interested to here the "other" side of the debate.

Where I am there are so many manky dogs let out to wander the streets, I doubt if it can be safe to not vaccinate. But would love to hear your opinions.

Also, does NOT vaccinating affect insurance costs? My dogs health is the bottom line at the end of the day, not the cost!
try FAQ forum, I'm sure there's stuff on there :thumbsup:
if you dont vaccinate and your dog gets an illness like parvo - virus or distemper ( any it could have been vaccinated agianst ) then your insurance would not cover it.

we had a dog when i was 9 that got parvo and ive got to say it was one of the worst deaths ive ever seen, the poor lad near turned himself inside out through vomiting and runs. after a week on a drip we had to let him go all for the sake of a £10 injection ( it was 20 years ago). i suppose its like the mmr injection for your kids a small persentage of dogs can be very ill from it but in the long run i think the illness that it can prevent is well worth the risks!

hope this helps :)

Personally I would vaccinate no questions asked. There is a risk through vaccinating but consider this to be less than what the illness would be if your animal got parvo or distemper.

As far as insurance is concerned, I understand that it is only possible to insure if your animal is vaccinated. Certainly on my policy the insurance is underwritten on the understanding that the boys are vaccinated and boosters kept up-to-date.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. :)

I did some reading up on it last night and this morning. I will def be getting Willow vacinated. I need her to be insured and will occasionally need to use kennels. So ther is no two ways about it. I don't think I could take the risk of missing out the inital two injections either. Though I do believe that perhaps a yearly booster is not required to keep up immunity levels and that homeopathic methods could be used - I will still need to do this for insurance/kennels.

Very interesting topic. I was particulary interested in the letter in the Veterinary Times, posted here;

Vaccinations - UK vets speak out
I've just read the letter on that link and one of the vets on there just happens to a vet at the practice I take my girls to...

I'm taking Inca tomorrow and I'm printing it off to show them and ask a few questions because she's due her booster next month.
Evie as your dog is older why don't you ask if she can have 1 general vaccination with 1 lepto only vaccine.

My vets were more than happy to vaccinate my last pup in that way. The vaccines are given twice to puppies in case the first one hasn't taken due to the residual maternal immunity. By 13 weeks this will have gone from the pup so after that 1 vaccine should work apart from lepto which needs two of them.

Your vets might not be happy to do this but it's worth a try. I appreciate that your dog isn't a pure whippet so over vaccinating isn't so likely to be an issue for you. (There is reason to believe that over vaccinating whippets can cause them to develop an AI disease which is why a lot of whippet folks are wary of vaccinations).
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Hey Beejay,

That's a good suggestion. I will ask my vet about it when we go this weekend. Makes more sense to me. Worth asking about.

Thanks. :thumbsup:
Why don't you get her blood tested first(it shouldn't cost any more than a vaccination),to see what titre readings she has.

It's far safer than vaccinating when she probably doesn't need it anyway :thumbsup:

And yes,you've guessed it,I'M VERY ANTI BOOSTERS!!! Haven't used them for over 30 years & never had any problems!
I am also very anti boosters, though mine all have their primary vaccinations at 14 and 16 weeks. But I have come up against a problem with one that has gone to live my son and he would like to insure her and the insurers are asking for up to date boosters. it seems that they would accept homeopathic nosodes instead, so please does anyone know how we would get that?
Hi Liz,you can get the nosodes from Ainsworths.

Ring 020 7935 5330 or 020 7486 4313 & ask for the dog combination 30c.

They're only £7.00 for 50 tablets,or 100 for £10.00 :thumbsup:

I think more insurance companies are going along with this now as they are realising at long last that their is no need for annual boosters!!!

They're probably having to pay out too much for dogs that have severe illnesses or death after over vaccination!!!
My 2 older boys had to be re-vacinated.

First jab 2 weeks ago and the second done this morning. They are both in agony,,I have never seen adult dogs react so badly :( Im anti-booster also , but they need it for the kennels next month.
I will only booster every 2-3 years as I believe the risk of auto-immune disorders is increased by over vaccinating. It is a very personal choice, and at this stage of the game, vets are bound by what the drug companies recommend. As you have no history with your little stray, I would certainly get an initial vaccination in place, and then read up and decide what you would feel happy with after that :thumbsup: To a degree, dogs will have a field immunity if they are walked and maintained in a regular environment, but I am not sure if enough research has been done if you are moving in and out of different areas and coming into contact with other unvaccinated dogs on a regular basis. As most pet owners are too afraid not to booster, diseases like Parvo are quite uncommon, but as with Measles, if significant numbers of people discontinue vaccination programmes, there is almost certainly going to be a resurgence in nasties affecting our nearest and dearest. As I said, it is what you feel comfortable with that matters ;)
That is so sad Susan :(

I don't know about other areas,but here the boarding kennel guidelines have now changed from MUST BE BOOSTERED,to leaving it to the kennel owners discretion.

So really,kennel owners should accept the homeopathic nosodes!

It's strange that vets also have new guidelines re boosters.That they only need be given every 3 years,so why are so many still insisting on yearly????

LOTS OF MONEY!!! :rant:
My vet said to me 2 weeks ago than one jab does a year and the other 3 yrs. Forgot which though :wacko:

They all got the kennel cough vaccine as I wanted them to get it, the kennel said it was my choice (w00t) ,,that now last 1 year :thumbsup: , but will not stop them getting it though :(

I always fully vaccinate my little pups :)
My vet uses a vaccine which doesn't contain everything every year - she says that although they have an injection every year, they are not getting annual doses of the vaccine and that its the equivalent of giving a jab of everything every third year - if that makes sense :wacko:

I noticed on the literature for our local kennels that they're happy with nosodes :thumbsup: (how d'you pronounce that by the way - is it n'so-deees, or noh-so-dz??)
You all giving me food for thought, which is great! :thumbsup:

I'm going to ring local kennels to find out their standpoint on the homeopathic side of things as well.
my dogs are innoculated annually but not for everything ie

one year they get jabbed for.......parvo,para-influenza and leptospyrosis

the next year...............for.......distemper,hepatitis,parvo,para-influenza and lepto

the next year..................for........para-influenza and lepto

i've always had my dogs innnoculated and thus far never had a problem,even in my old boxer who had lymphosarcoma.

I'm totally for innoculation, for me the benefits far outweigh the risks and the sight of a young dog dying of parvo is truly hideous and quite preventable.