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User Attached Image


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Can anyone tell me why, when people have posted photos on the forum and it says " user posted image " I can't see them. I'M A REAL TECHNOPHOBE AND JUST CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!!!

I have also followed help links on posting photos from photobucket and from my space and even from my documents to the forum with no sucess whatsoever. Can anyone help me with a REALLY easy site to find out how to do this

Cheers,Morganna :sorcerer:
I had the same problems seeing the user attached photos, what I do is right click on the little box next to where it says it & this should bring up a sub-menu list thingy. In there is a "show picture" option. It should appear, sometimes it just doesn't but I don't know what to do then so I just resign myself to not seeing the photo :b

I'm amazed I'm able to advise anyone at all, I thought I was the technophobe of the year.

Hope it works :thumbsup:


P.S. If it doesn't work, try left clicking instead, I'm starting to doubt my memory now :lol:
Hi Julie, already tried right clicking, got show pic option but guess what? just like you sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't.Very frustrating when everyone else can see it. I'm beginning to think its a conspiracy - or an X File!!!

Morganna :sorcerer:
Apparently, if you remove the original from wherever it was located (ie photobucket) the picture you posted will vanish!! This has happened to my signature so I'm going to reload my pics onto photobucket and try to do it again, only this time I'll leave the originals on photobucket!

Good luck!!

Jane & Jinny
Hi thanks for that. I tried this am to post from p/bucket to forum

and after much "cussin" managed to do that but just previewed rather than posted as I wanted to "play" first.What I don't understand is how to reduce from p/bucket as when I previewed the photo filled the page!! Its all a mystery to me! I'm much better with life forms than non life forms - HONEST.

Morganna :sorcerer:
I found an explanation of how to do it on one of the topics but can't remember where it was now. So I've looked on photobucket and when you log into your album you see the upload box .... top right, above the browse box, it says 'max image size' with the word 'options' to click on. This gives you a choice of size from avatar upwards!! Choose what you want and then upload your photo. You should end up with the size you need. Choose thumbprint for signature and larger for posting .... as required! :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:


cheers, will have a go at that this weekend.

Heres hoping!!!!
