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Urgent!! Poodle Lost


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Yesterday at around 1pm my step-mum & her friend were involved in a fatal road traffic accident in the Craigantlet Hills Dundonald,it was quite a severe accident and they both had to be cut free from the wreck,whilst this was going on another fireman unclipped our Toy Poodle Molly (who now lives with my step-mum since my father was diagnosed 2 yrs ago with alzheimers and taken into a nursing home) who was in the car from her seatbelt harness and I am not too certain of the full details but somehow either he set her down or she got free and she took off absoloutely petrified over the fields.

Ryan and I spent hours yesterday afternoon roaming over the fields looking for her & calling her name but to no avail. We went back out again yesterday evening to try again and also left our details at the few houses that are dotted about that area. This morning I have tried all the dog wardens,the USPCA,the privately run animal sanctuarys & the local boarding keenels and riding school in Craigantlet....but so far no-one has seen her. It has also been broadcast on the local radio stations.

Unfortunately and very sadly Helen my step-mum's friend did'nt survive the accident & passed away during the night in ICU. Marie my step-mum has'nt been told of this yet nor that Molly has not been found as the nursing staff do not want her to suffer any setbacks nor get anxious as she is heading down to theatre later today,so I am just praying that some kind person will find Molly and return her as I know that Marie will be devastated if she loses her as well as she is her best friend and soul mate.

If anyone has any information at all could they please PM me,she was wearing a little red fleece jumper/jacket with a red harness over it.

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Just to let everyone know that Molly has now been found safe and sound THANK GOODNESS!!....Ryan had gone back up to see if he could see her and when he got there there were a lot of cars parked around the scene of where the accident happened (a lot of very kind people had come to offer their help in finding her) and Molly was found caught up on a strand of barb wire where her harness had got tangled as she tried to go thru the fence. It looks like she had returned to the scene in the hope of finding Marie and it is a blessing that her harness saved her and that she had got caught up in a fence near the road and not in the middle of a field somewhere where no-one would've been able to see her.

Thankyou so much for everyone's kind words and thoughts,it is very much appreciated & at least now Marie will only have to cope with one loss and not two.

Thanks again

:( how very sad for all involved, fingers x your little lady finds her way home :luck:

or is found safe and well and brought back home :huggles:
Oh Pamela, I am so sorry to hear of what your family has been going through. I am glad your step-mum is making a good recovery and hope she makes a full one in time. Very sorry to hear though that her friend did not make it. My sincere sympathies to all her family and friends. What an awful time for you all.

Thank goodness Molly was found safely.

Much love and hugs to you.

