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Update On My Aunty


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as some of you may remember i told you a while ago that my aunty had been dianosed with breast cancer.

due to her religion she wouldnt go for the mamogramm, which would of diagnosed it in time to save her. nor did she want to have treatment for the cancer, eventually her husband talked her into the chemo but it is still to late for her. the cancer spread into her bones, namely her spine and skull.

today we have been told that it has also spread into her brain, she is going blind and senile now, yesterday she didnt even know who her daughter was.

we dont think she has very long left now and in some respects that is for the best.

so all you ladies out there! if you need a mamogramm GO FOR ONE!!!! put aside being embarassed about getting ur boobs out and think of the suffering u will cause to ur family as they watch u slowly waste away from a disease that might of been cured.
Dana, i,m so sorry about your Aunty :( my heart goes out to you and her family :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
What a shame, sorry for your loss. It does bring it home to you, mammograms are free, so for goodness sake make use of them. (!)
im so sorry to hear about your aunty.

but im so glad you are using this experiance to help other :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Your thought for others during this sad family experience is commendable.
How very sad for everyone concerned.. :huggles: :huggles:

My aunt died from breast cancer too, aged 52 years old....she also did not go for her check soon enough when she found the lump. The cancer spread to her liver and other parts of her body...and even though she had both chemo and radiotherapy....nothing could be done to save her... :( and she was so very brave right up the the end.

Im so sorry, my thoughts go to you all... :huggles:
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So sorry Dana. My aunty died two weeks ago from cancer. She also had it in the breast and when she found the lump she went to the doctors and they lost her results! :rant: Soon it spread to her bones and her liver, and she decided not to have the chemo, she was very sick and so it was a release for her to go. Its a very difficult thing to deal with and im sure i speak for all of us when i say you and your family are in our thoughts xx
:( what very sad news, such a terrible time for you all :huggles: :huggles: thoughts are with you all :huggles:
im so sorry to here about your aunty, its so important to go for these tests isnt it

my mum is recovering from cancer at moment, its such a awful disease :(

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: so sorry about your aunt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm very sorry to hear about your aunt. My mum went the same way when she was only 58. It is a horrible disease which claims too many lives.
So sorry to hear the sad news about your Aunty. :( Words seem a bit worthless at times like this, but my thoughts are with you and your family. :huggles:

It is so important for us all to check our bodies and to take advantage of things like mammograms when they are offered.
thanks for your kind words guys, u dont know what a support you are.

im sorry for ur loss's rach and linbin :huggles: