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Unwanted Visitors In My Box/ About Me Page

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The one and Only ....
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I know i can close my comment box but is there any way i can stop unwanted

visitors on my About Me page ?


I know people who dont know me will pop in and i expect that. If i see a name i

dont know i will go have a look at their page....................its what its for isn't it.


But what about when its someone you know who has a problem with you and they

are just doing it to be clever and wind you there a way to stop this mild

annoyance or do we just rise above it and let the :clown: get on with it
let the :clown: get on with ann, they have nothing else to do then try to get a reaction

the said :clown: must really like you :lol:
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Your own fault Ann should not be so popular :lol:
:) you must be interesting Ann, if anyone looked at my page they would nod off!! -_- :lol:
On another forum, you can't see who visits you...which in some respects is probably better, as the old saying goes what you don't know..don't harm you.
On another forum, you can't see who visits you...which in some respects is probably better, as the old saying goes what you don't know..don't harm you.
Mmm seems like a good idea to me
Just let them get on with it Ann. When they see it isn't having the desired affect they will go away.

How are those girls of yours?
This came up when we started using the new software version. If you go to your About Me page, click on the settings tab and at the bottom you will see Show x Sidebar Last Visitors with a drop down box. Set it to 0 and visitors won't be shown anymore. Same with Comments and Friends sidebars wich can all be sent individually.
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