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Unwanted mounting- advice please!


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Hi All,

I have recently rescued a male dog who is yet to be neutered (due to be within next 2 weeks). He has started to mount my neutered bitch, this is making her very nervous and anxious and they can now not be left alone.

Should this mounting stop once he is neutered??

Thanks in advance.
Probably not. It may be less often but it will be doubtful he will stop completely.

Mine was neutered at 6 months. He is now 19 months and still humps any bitch he sees, that is similar in size to him. Oddly he doesnt try it with small dogs????

It's all about dominance, and as he is a rescue he is probably trying to tell your other dog that he wants to be the boss.

When he trys to do this call him over in high pitched voice, like youre excited and if he comes to you then reward him with a treat or maybe his favourite toy and start a game with him to distract him from the humping.

the other thing that may work (doesnt with every dog) is keeping his lead on him. if he trys to mount your other dog, then yank his lead to snap him out of what he was about to do and if he stops then again reward him.

good luck x