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A friend of mine runs a private boarding kennels, but also helps occasionally with strays/rescue cases.

Last week she had a call from the council about 2 dogs and a cat whose owner has died.

The RSPCA agreed to transport them to the kennels. The RSPCA had checked them at their owners house on Saturday, and a neighbour was feeding them etc until somewhere was found for them. My friend was phoned on Wednesday, and apparently the RSPCA had checked on the animals again that morning and said they were ok to go into private kennels.

The RSPCA turned up with them Wednesday evening, and when my friend got the dogs out of the van, they were in a terrible state - caked in poo and they has maggots!!!

My friend said she was very sorry but there was no way she would put them in her kennels because they needed to go sraight to a vet - this became a lengthy discussion with the person who brought them saying that she didn't know what to do, their own vets were shut, couldn't they stay in kennels overnight and go to the vets in the morning etc, and worst of all - would it be a problem that they had maggots? !!!!!! (do they learn nothing when being trained for the job?!!)

Anyhow, my friend was insistent that they went to a vet, so the RSPCA person left with the animals to find a vet.

Now, bearing in mind that there is an RSPCA centre in the same county that the animals came from, and my friends kennels are in a different county - why the heck weren't the animals taken to the RSPCA centre?

Shortly after the person left with the animals, my friend received a very unprofessional phone call from the persons boss (an RSPCA centre manager), who proceeded to be very rude and abusive to my friend, shouting at her for being scared to get a bit of poo on her hands etc etc! When my friend explained about the amount of poo and the maggots she was told "Oh they'd have been alright overnight".

When my friend asked why the animals couldn't have gone to the rescue centre she was told that they couldn't possibly take animals in that state into the centre as it is a rehoming centre! Phone call soon ended. Friend left utterly speechless!

A couple of days later she finds out that the animals were taken to a local vets after they left her place, and that they will be undergoing intensive treatment for the damage caused by the maggots, and will be in the vets for 7 - 10 days!!!

And the maggots were deemed unimportant by the RSPCA!!!

We'd be very interested to hear from other people about cases such as this, where the RSPCA have been as good as useless or worse!

So if anyone has a genuine gripe about the RSPCA, please feel free to get in touch by PM.
That's terrible!! I keep hearing such terrible things about the RSPCA! :eek:
It's about time people realised the RSPCA is a business and a very rich one at that. They are always pleading poverty yet have millions in the Bank of which most came from old ladies and people who believe their IMO misleading pleas for donations.

Nothing surprises me anymore about the RSPCA.
I know this isnt about dogs - but a person I lately pet sit for - up sticks - yes moved house and left 2 semi ferrel cats with me. :(

It took over a week for me to actually get through to the RSPCA about it (actually speak to someone) then I was told they would ring me back. For all they knew these cats could have starved to death. :rant:

I waited over a week before they got back to me (due to hot weather and demand of calls I was told) by which time I had already caught one cat and passed it on to a friend of mine.

I am still waiting for the RSPCA to actually come with their ferrel trap - which they said they would do. I have now caught the second cat and rehomed it myself - and still havnt heard a bloody thing since from them. :rant: :rant:

Dont tell me about the RSPCA - I shall not be donating to them again sorry. :(
My friend would like to gather together some genuine cases where the RSPCA have failed to act when necessary, or have acted irresponsibly (as in her case), and present a report to an MP.

If anyone has any stories to tell, and would be happy for my friend to add them to her report, please contact me for her email address.

its a very touchy subject is the rspca, theres as many who hate them as love them, for me its a case of they do a good job most of the time but the storys ive heard makes my blood boil, my father once rang them to tell them of a injured swan that had fell into a overflow and hurt its wing, ok they said we will sort it, 2 bloody weeks it took them to move the swan.. this i know as true fact which must leave the swan in pain but when we dont take our pets to a vet when injured we get taken to court... :angry: :angry:
When I lived in Macclesfield myself and a friend phoned the RSPCA about a dog who, over a few days, had been roaming the park and seemed to have fishing line wrapped round him (couldn't get that close). They said they don't come out for dog rescues and hung up. Two days later driving to Buxton there's an RSPCA looking at a lamb that had unfortuantly been hit by a car and died. This is an unfortuant occurance on comman land, and sureley less important then a dog in distress? Didn't see the dog again.
i have heard of this kind of thing so much in recent years, i have allways given to animal charitys but stopped giving them the rspca some time a go,as said above they are now a business and seem to be more into self promotion more and more,i realise that to get the funds charitys have to be big and pay there executives good wages(or they will go work some where else) but i think some ting should be done about there working practice.

maybe if they had a film crew with them they would of done better for the animals!! write to the papers or local tv and let them know what happened.

scotty :(
Indee said:
When I lived in Macclesfield myself and a friend phoned the RSPCA about a dog who, over a few days, had been roaming the park and seemed to have fishing line wrapped round him (couldn't get that close). They said they don't come out for dog rescues and hung up. Two days later driving to Buxton there's an RSPCA looking at a lamb that had unfortuantly been hit by a car and died. This is an unfortuant occurance on comman land, and sureley less important then a dog in distress? Didn't see the dog again.
That is much the same reply as we had to a dog that had escaped from a car parked in a motorway services. It had been missing for days and ended up under a hedge in a family's garden. This was a non-doggy family and they went right up to the dog, who didn't move, but they were, understandably, not willing to touch him as they had no experience of dogs so they phoned the RSPCA, who had already been advised the dog was missing and given out a reference number. Didn't bother to try and marry the two calls up (do they not keep a log of missing dogs?? How many Whippets had gone missing at that time in that area??? It was not rockect science). Unfortunately, the dog eventually got up and went on its way and the father later went out and saw our posters, literally round the corner, and rang us. By then all too late. The dog was never recovered but could have been if it had not been for the stupidity of the RSPCA. Fancy telling someone that it was the Dog Wardens responsibility on a Sunday morning at 7.00 am not theirs. When this family said the dog could be injured or ill, the RSPCA's response was they would only come out if they could confine the dog. They said they were not willing to touch the dog so the RSPCA's attitude was tough, we are coming out then. I rang to complain after this incident and they then sent a girlie out with a cat trap!!!

Re the lamb. I have been told by the MAFF Vet that the RSPCA should NOT be turning out to calls involving farm livestock, only wildlife and pet animals. Only MAFF should be dealing with farm animals.
I would hate someone to walk past one of my dogs if it was loose so last year when I saw a dog walking on its own in the street so went to try and catch it

I went over and threw a couple of treats in front of him - he just stared at me!! he was a big old boy, quite wobbly on his feet, looked like a staffy cross lab, and he definately did not like me. but I couldn't just leave him there so I got a rope lead round his neck and walked him into my back garden and locked him in

I had the 4 dogs then and they were all screaming the house down cos they could tell that there was a dog in the garden - my old man had just settled down with a beer to watch the arsenal match and he wasn't impressed either!!

so phoned the RSPCA and asked them to come and get him - they said no! I would have to contact the dog warden. I knew this wasn't going to be easy cos it was 8pm. Obviously I asked what their job actually was, in the end she suggested I let him go as he would probably find his was home - I couldn't believe it! I said that was the worst advice I'd ever heard and hung up.

so I phoned council to find the dog warden - she was on holiday and there was no cover in this county, they suggested phoning the police as they keep strays over night

I phoned the police, they said that they'd lock him up for the night but I'd have to take him there myself. That was not an option, I wasn't going to be stuck in a car with this dog, there was no way I was even going back in my own garden cos by now this bloody dog was staring at me through the patio window :unsure:

phoned the council again and they finally agreed to send an enviornment bloke out, lucky he was local and turned up quick. The dog took one look and fell in love, happily walked away with this guy who couldn't understand why someone with 4 dogs was so worried about this friendly old guy :wacko:

when he got to the police station they recognised the dog straight away, cos it belonged to our local drug user, and guess what? they got a man to lock him up cos he dont like women :eek: . They also said that if I had let him out to find his own way home and he'd caused an accident or injury I'd be liable cos I'd deliberatly allowed him to roam free :rant:

so guess what? I dont rate the RSPCA at all
Neither do I now Doris .............. still no phone call from the RSPCA or any sign of an officer with that ferrel trap :rant:

:D well at least I Know that the cats are safe. :thumbsup:
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