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Ukpw Racing Federation


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does anyone remember one of the founder members from the club i think his first name is don my grandad bred one of his bitches thema lady with his dog who's name i really want to find out the litter produced ukpwrf champion penny lane in 1980 and my own big daft cuddly whitegate lad (biffo) while his siter raced at 24lbs we had trouble keeping him below 34lbs he was just pure power . we think that came from the therma line but not quite sure. i don't know whether the line i'm looking for was anything to do besaps but i do know that there was a bit of trouble over the breeding of our dogs because some of them were so good. any help would be brilliant as doing this in the memory of my late grandfather harold david holtom. if any one met him then they would remember him he new his dogs and his bloodlines just didn't get chance to find out all he had to tell me .
please please please someone must have some information i have a kc reg number for penny lane daughter of the dog i'm looking for is there anyway i can find out from that? no longer have pedigrees of the dogs been out of racing loop for about 15 yrs.
Judy will probably give you a hand when she comes on line.
Hi Charliesangel - I have just replied to your PM about Penny Lane.
Is this the litter you are looking for ? I have emailed you PM'd you with all the KC names of the puppies but I can't send you the pedigree in a PM so I have posted it here. Just click on the link.



  • pedigree.html
    5.3 KB · Views: 129
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Forget that last pedigree - I am pretty certain this is Penny Lane - have PM'd you with other details



  • nicolaspennyofthurma5
    5.1 KB · Views: 117
thanks for your help ujdy all information was correct nicolas penny of thurma was our penny lane. her dam bunnyridge rose marie was 1 of my grandads dogs pet name trisha. and the other pedigree was aslo correct the litter names you gave me included thurma johns choice which was whitegate lad. my grandad and mrs rose had dogs changing between them frequently hence the confusion on the restistered owner of thurma her ladyship who was known as popsy. do you know if there are any dogs about from the therma line now? i know they were showing a line. :)
For our sins Len and I go back so far that we remember the UKPW Champs indeed we gained our first racing champion Backchat over 280 yards round Hinkley greyhound track - those were the days. I think the Don you are thinking of is Don Lytham and I beleive Penny Lane may have been one of his breeding.
My very first whippet Tessa had Thurma Royal Repetition as her paternal grandfather. He in turn was from Danropa His Lordship at Thurma as sire and Thurma Just A Rose as dam.

It doesn't help in finding anyone but jogged a forgotten memory :D
Piper has got Thurma her Ladyship, and her daughter by Dondelayo Statesman, Thurma my Love in her sires' line......Were either of these dogs raced, and if so what were their racing names?????
hi thurma her ladyship was raced her racing name was thurma lady she was owned by my grandad and bred by mrs joy rose. her pet name was popsy she was fawn and white parti colour and a really nice dog think she may have done a bit of showing at some point with mrs rose but not 100% on that. but she was a good racer produced good strong racing pups large litters aswell> sorry but can't help you with the other dog. but if you know any one who used to race at middlewich they may have a picture of thurma lady. would love to see apic of your dog if pos its nice to know popsy still lives on . :))
thanks gracie those were the days. pennylane was besaps markwiss / bunnyridge rose marie. i was only young but shared my grandads passion for dogs had them around me from the day i was born and will no doubt till the day i die. do miss the whippets gonna have to have another one after my staffy gone. hubby doesn't know that yet but won't give him much choice!!! i'll just get one or two maybe! :) must be the only person on k9 who hasn't seen a pic of her :b

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not been on here long. and the pics that are on here won't come up for me to view! pipers a good looking dog . thurma her lady ship was definatley shown as apuppy by mrs rose i asked my dad last night she did quite well apparenly she also did very well will her racing she actually had a trophy named after her the thurma lady trophy. love your dog though thanks for that .

charlies angel :) :)