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Trophy Winners

Cu-Luath Whippets

New Member
Reaction score
Our AGM held on Saturday 22nd February was followed by the presentation of Club trophies

Winners were as follows:

Moment in Time Shield for non-passported dogs and bitches -

Sky - owner Scott Connolly

Union Inn Trophy -

Warhammer - owner Carol & Davy Ovens

The Fire Shield - Puppy Derby for dogs under 2 years old.

Sneaky Pete

The Red Wind Trophy - presented by Steve & Karen Kerr Smith

Auntie Shelley - owner Andy Young

Harte Construction Trophy

Auntie Kate - owner Andy Young

Mary's Plaice Shield - presented by Mary's Plaice Fish Shop

Cu-Luath Bluebird - owner Donald Campbell

Best Bitch Shield & Jacket

Cu-Luath Stormbird - owner Donald Campbel

Best Dog Shield & Jacket

Warhammer - owner Carol & Davy Ovens

The Cu-Luath Blue Trophy, presented by June Symmons. An annual trophy given to the whippet the committee feel has most represented the true spirit and determination of the breed during the season

Mallis - owner Graham McColl

Congratulations to all the winners.
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