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Kirkaldy to Doncaster - time of Departure quarter to 5 time of arrival in Doncaster past 1 am.

Lets start at the top - whilst trying out a new route home a silly person in their car came speeding past and just managed to pull back in before getting hit by a lorry ... the comment passed "that silly t**t will get himself in a crash if he isn't careful" ... half an hour later we grind to a halt in traffic and everyone is trying to turn round - there's been a crash and we have to find another route. Luckily some lads stopped and helped us unhook the trailer and turn it round then get it re-attached to the car after we had turned around. Going along another road by the accident lo and behold but whose car is it mixed up in the crash but the silly person from earlier on !!!

An uneventful journey from there on bar a quick break at a lorry stop to feed and water the dogs. Not 50 miles from home BANG --- a complete blowout on the right hand tyre of the trailer (what type of tyre is it they asked me ? - I don't bloody know it's in tattered pieces and half way down the A1 !!!), luckily we were in the slow lane and managed to glide to a halt at the edge of the lane. The trailer was immoveable a slight turn of the wheel and it tilted precariously - it was too heavy to push on only one wheel ... stranded. A call to the RAC, we don't do tyres - call this number ... call to the new number no we don't stock that tyre. Back on to the RAC and finally they call us back saying they're getting a contractor out to take the trailer to a secure location where we have to abandon it for the night.

In the meantime huge great lorries are rushing past at 70mph barely inches from the car door. A guy in a 4x4 with a big trailer on the back swerves at high speed to avoid clipping the car with his swinging wide trailer - "idiot he'll cause an accident with that bloody thing".

The call was made at quarter to nine - at 11pm the contractor arrives. He relieves us of our trailer and as we point blank refused to abandon it to the next service station kindly removes it to his depot in Thirsk. Off we go again at 11pm but not soon after we set off we hit traffic, at 11pm ? Traffic on the A1 ? Two lanes are closed we approach just as the Police are removing the last bits of debris from the road ... a 4x4 has been towed to the side of the road with half a trailer intact and the other half hanging off - it's our swerving driver from earlier on.

From now on if any driver makes a silly move that causes danger to themselves or anyone else we are simply going to regard them with a "tut tut" or just say they ought to be careful and nothing more. We are off tomorrow to go and buy a wheel for our trailer and travel to the Depot at Thirsk hopefully get it repaired and fetch the thing home.
:eek: Fleesh not a happy ending to your holiday :(

but you all got home safe and sound :thumbsup:
Certainly an eventful trip home :eek: but luckily you werent involved in those accidents .

Those sort of drivers deserve everything they get. usually they get away with it but just leave chaos behind !! 8)
:clown: took us 4 hours to get home, no bother on the roads thank god, nice bath and bed for 10.30, bet you where shattered by the time you got home,its a pig when things go wrong we where stuck on the m1 for hours when our trailer tire blew coming home from ashfordby last month

we where all packed up by 9:30 this morning we set of about quarter 2 ten all roads were clear apart from the traffic behind us :b waitin 2 get past we had a steady ride home all enjoyed our time up there brill got home about twenty 2 two went up there with 4 dogs came home with 5 'n' gettin another one next cant wait
left at 9.50a.m. monday got home at 1.40 p.m . no stops & no old ups, had a brill time, as usual a well run open by the scotish organisers aurther & co WELL DONE SEE YOU NEXT YEAR :thumbsup:
took us 4 hours to get home and i will say it was the best weekend we've had in scotland in all the 8 years we've been there.fantastic everyone says so.And im married to someone who does it f****** his way ha ha. :oops: :cheers:
Bloody hell-spooky or what?

Remind us not to pass you on the road-have you seen the film-Witches of Eastwick?

Bet you wish you were 'blinkered' eh Fleesh?

4 hour trip home for us-pretty uneventful apart from a motorbike doing a wheelie as he past us. :clown: