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Trap Back Board


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Hi All,

I am wanting to make a trap backboard for my lurcher..Littl'Un. He bout 20kg and under 23". Could anyone help me with dimensions.. :unsure: I know it has to be 10" wide but not sure bout how high or long it needs to be. And is it best to use carpet or rubber matting?

Thanks in anticipation :thumbsup:

Best bet is to borrow one to try next time the club is on. It's trial and error the first few times, I borrowed one for my Freya when she had her first straight race on Saturday and I'm trying a different one this week. :thumbsup:
Also if u hinge the front then hinge the top,with the top hinge weld the nuts to the hinge then drill 2 holes in the back board at the top using the hinge holes as a guide then do the same at the bottom of back board,next take a ruler n draw lines from each drill hole to the other on each set then cut the grooves out with a jigsaw. Now you'll just need 2 wing nuts n 2 washers n you u should have a fully adjustable kick board.