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Training Help If Poss?

parker ink

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Hi, I used to come on here ages ago when we first got our lovely whippet puppy, Cody.

He is about a year and a half old now and is a very nice, affectionate, even tempered dog. I need to get some pics up actually, though you may wish to reprimand me as he is a bit chubby - to most ppl he looks like a thin dog and to whippet ppl he looks too fat so he is a bit of a no-win pet really . .

I need some advice re training.

My old dog ( a lurcher x) was very easy to train so I think I thought I was more competant than I really am.

Like I say, he is good tempered and does not even object when the kittens eat out of his bowl and he is more or less perfect apart from a couple of points.

Sofas adn respect:

We dont mind him being on the sofa so long as he will get off when told. He is too persistant re the sofa and will bully my little boy (not aggresively) by nudging him and walking up and down the sofa behind him sort of trying to take over the sofa space. Bear in mind that they snuggle up together as a perfect photo opportunity most of the time, but I want to find a way to get the dog to give my boy (7) a bit of respect. Also he will snatch food out of the boy's hand.

Should we ban him from the sofa all together?- dog, that is, not boy. . . :huh:


This is becoming a bit of a problem. He is mainly good for me but can go temporarily deaf. For my daughter he is impossible and now if she walks him she actually cant risk letting him off the lead at all.

There is more but I just wanted to get the ball rolling.

The main problem, I think, is that though he is my daughter's dog she has become too busy for him with exams etc and so I have taken over more and more and also my OH keeps shoving his oar in and so he is getting confused with no "one owner".

Othern than this, he is such a beautiful dog and when he runs. . . omg . . he is breathtaking. Just amazing.
Hi :) - yes, would love to see some pics of Cody :thumbsup:

Sorry, I can't be much help as he sounds pretty much like a normal whippet to me, they all have cloth ears when it suits them, take over the furniture and are incorrigible thieves!! :lol: :lol:

It might be an idea to run joint training sessions for your boy and Cody at the same time ...... at 7 years old he is at an age where he can start to take responsbility for his own sofa space and food so he needs to be aware that Cody will steal it if he gets a chance :thumbsup: Wouldn't have thought you'd get much mileage out of imposing a ban now, better for you humans to become pack leaders and then Cody will respect your space.

Gentle and consistent teaching is always the solution with a whippet though, so good luck :luck: and looking forward to seeing the pics of the family :thumbsup: :D
jinnyfizz said:
Hi :)   - yes, would love to see some pics of Cody :thumbsup:
Sorry, I can't be much help as he sounds pretty much like a normal whippet to me, they all have cloth ears when it suits them, take over the furniture and are incorrigible thieves!! :lol:   :lol:

Oh. :blink: They dont say that in the Whippet PR breed descriptions do they??? :lol:

Yea, I will try and get the boy and the pup working together a bit more. I have now given the boy permision to give him a good shove if the pup is hassling him off the sofa.

Here are some pics - they are quite old so I must take some more.

In some of them there is him and Milo play fighting. Very sadly, Milo developed a sudden kidney thing and was peeing frank blood and ugh is was awful and he stayed over at the vets one night and she phoned us the next day to say no way and though I wanted to bring him home to have him pts it was unlikely he would even make the journey so . . .

Hey ho. Was very sad. I would never have taken on a pup if I thought he would be the only dog in the house but that is sadly the way it worked out. He is great friend with the bengal cat and her kittens - 6 months old now.
here are a couple - will ratch around for more . .


Just found Demoting Digit in the FAQs section. Duh. :b

Very very funny. And useful . .

Is Digit still around? How is he?

Am I going to have to eat dog food to impress Cody????
What a cute face Cody has :wub: and I love the picture of your son with him :thumbsup:

So sorry that you lost Milo :( but the Bengals sound lovely ....... got any pics of them?

......... but eating dog food :blink: ?? Nah, eeuuggggghhhhh :x :lol:

I think Dgits owner put something edible in the bowl and then ate that to show Digit that, as master, she got first dibs at the food.

Here are some kitten pics - you asked for it . .





i need to take more up to date pics of all the creatures.
Awwwww, they are GORGEOUS :wub: :wub: :wub:

Expect they're more grown up now :D

Did you see that programme about the chap living as a wolf with a pack of wolves? He had to show allegiance to the pack by eating the vital organs directly from the carcass of a freshly killed deer (or something similar). Somehow he got round it by cooking some liver up and placing it in a plastic bag inside the carcass so that when he pretended to eat he was eating his previously cooked meat :thumbsup:

Remarkable programme.