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Tough Decision But Champayne Charlie Open To Offers


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I make tough decision to let champayne Charlie go at moment I got two bitch in season and it send poor dog mad I though I could keep dogs and bitches together but it does work for this lad so I'm open to serious offers this dog just 15 months and in right hands will contest some of top races in dog section this year just start him back on straight and running some top dog close he's got good early pace is brother jedward I sold to Luke and he's come on nice in my opinion this dog few lengths in front of brother on straight but if right home out there drop me pm and I ring you back to talk about him cheers Lyndon
good luck Lyndon in finding the right home,i know exactly where you coming from and i have tried dogs n bitches together

it don't work, they drove up the wall when a bitch is in season,be a canny buy that for the right person :thumbsup:
Hope he goes to a top class home u wont b short of offers he can only get better know how hard it is mix my blk bitch just cum into season to upset edward b4 champs :angry:
Thanks kenny and Luke for nice words I know this dog will improve length away from these bitches he ran at old hall last week ran up north one best younger dogs around to close race and same in heat today he flat after that I know this bitches are is problem so I'm hope to get him right home he must go to racing home I want see this dog improve in I hope to be racing champion thanks again :thumbsup:
Thanks for all reply about champayne charlie I please ex whippet racer is taking the dog and it be racing in north east good luck to new owner nice see you back in sport :thumbsup:
come on lyndon tell us whos got the dog then or you keeping us all in suspense??? (w00t)
who is it then lyndon will they b racing @ north east clubs? westerhope & wallsend?
Carol I give you clue the new owners Have won whippet news top ten in last 25 years :thumbsup:
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Carol I give you clue the new owners Have won whippet news top ten in last 25 years :thumbsup:

havent got a clue lyndon have only raced about 16 years and never really got right into it until i got mickey whizz so that wud have been 10 years ago. come on who is it?????
Carol I give you clue the new owners Have won whippet news top ten in last 25 years :thumbsup:

havent got a clue lyndon have only raced about 16 years and never really got right into it until i got mickey whizz so that wud have been 10 years ago. come on who is it?????
I be corrected by mate champagne Sharon (w00t) the owner as won whippets news top ten twice so that should make it easy for you carol :thumbsup:
Top marks dee but Alison just pip you but I'm really pleased Ian take the dog after talking to few of my friends who talk highly of Ian as I wasn't racing when Ian was winning the top ten he was always the person going to have dog so good luck Ian with champayne Charlie I sure you will find few length with this lad and main thing I got him away from these bitches sending him mad look forward to see you race him :thumbsup: