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Toothache !!!


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My god could not believe what pain i was in last night, whole side of my face killing me, :(

went to dentist 1st thing, didn,t even phone up just turned up and begged them to see dentist ASAP, turned out i have an infection so on a weeks Antibi's then have to go back next week to get tooth sorted. :- "

I hate the dentist, :wacko: but was so painful i would have pulled the tooth out myself.

Why does it always happen at night when you can,t get it sorted till next day :blink:
oohhhhh nothing worse than toothache, glad your sorted now :thumbsup:
nasty! but the sheer relief of it getting sorted out will far outweigh any pain or discomfort suffered in the process :sweating:
I can really sympathise with you - I have been in that state on several occassions and yes you are right, it is always at night when it seems worse anyway!!! Hope you get it sorted soon :thumbsup:
Oo poor you :huggles: not a nice way to spend the night

This is why I keep a small supply of very very strong painkillers in the house - just in case I have a night like yours
Poor you. :( Hope the antibiotics start working quickly. :luck: :huggles:
That is so painful, I remember my brother ending up in hospital as he'd accidentally overdosed on painkillers as he was in such agony with toothache. :eek:

Hope the ABs kick in really quickly :luck: :huggles:
I really sympathise with u on this! im addicted to sweets and have had to have numerous things done to my teeth including 2 root canals!! :sweating: hope u get it sorted out soon :luck: