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Took Tina To Be Microchipped Today...


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....but it didn't quite go to plan :- "

I had her booked in for 1.30pm as I was supposed to finish work at 1pm and the surgery is only five minutes from our flat. As it happened though my selfish ****** ******* ******** workmate went on her lunch at midday and didn't come back until 1.15pm!!!!! To say I was pretty annoyed would be an understatement She said she thought it was tomorrow that I was taking her to which I said ''No!!! I told you today...and if you hadn't been drooling over that blooming baby instead of listening to me you would have known that!'' The fact is, she ALWAYS comes back from her breaks late and it really annoys me - she knows I have stuff to do in the afternoons yet is too bad mannered to let me go on time! I think she got the hint today though! :rant:

Anyway, we got to the vet for 1.32pm and for the next ten minutes Tina was in her element as one by one the nurses came out to talk to her and give her a cuddle - she really does think that EVERYBODY loves her. Her previous owners did a fantastic job in socialising her :thumbsup:

She was checked over for a microchip but none was found so into the surgery we went. Lots more cuddles off another nurse and the vet. Then I lifted her onto the table and that was the first time I've seen her look a bit unsure in the six days I've had her Lots more cuddles and praise and a bit of cheese to reassure far so good :p

And then it went pear-shaped!!! :- "

Despite trying four/five times the vet just could not get the needle into Tina's neck to put the chip in - she kept wriggling too much! She yelped a couple of times too but I think that was more her getting a bit stressed than anything else as the vet didn't even get the needle under her skin. She was just too wriggly for us and so we decided to try Plan B before she got really traumatised by the whole experience. Apparently the surgery have had a few greyhounds and whippets in the past who are just too sensitive to being chipped - what most other dogs would just shrug off as a tickle between the shoulder blades has been like torture to greyhounds and whippies :b

So........she's booked in to be spayed next Wednesday and they'll put her chip in then whilst she's under the anaesthetic :D

The whole experience hasn't put her off the vets though.....she was all lickey and wanting cuddles off everybody once she was back in the waiting room and I was making her appointment for next week.

Trust me to have a delicate little princess :wub:
Awww, she'll be much better off having it done whilst she's asleep -_-

They are very very sensitive dogs, my little lurcher Scrumpy is such a wuss. She was chipped whilst being spayed & I dread to think what a fuss she'd have made if she was awake. Just a minute ago one of the cats accidentally touched her foot whilst she was asleep & she yelled the house down & did vertical take off. So did everyone else, me included (w00t) . You'd have thought she'd have had her leg ripped off at least by the noise she made.

I hope Tina is ok next week :huggles:

Grrr I have annoying people at work too!!

I am planning to get my pup microchipped when we get her.

Do you mind me asking how much it costs?

Will it really hurt her?

doggy182 said:
Grrr I have annoying people at work too!!I am planning to get my pup microchipped when we get her.

Do you mind me asking how much it costs? 

Will it really hurt her?


Our local dog wardens micro-chip for £11 [free for people on a benefit] and the warden comes to your house to do it. Much less stress-ful and I also found that the dog-warden was willing to spend a lot of time explaining the procedure.

So worth enquiring about yout local authority dog warden service.

It does hurt so I chose to leave Ruby until she was 8 months old.

Other good advice is don't let them be micro-chipped on the vet's table as it may put them off future examinations.


I will try to find out about that.

Was planning to wait a while, I'm sure its scary enough for a pup to have their jabs let alone a bit microchip injected!

Callie was spayed and chipped at the same time. She had one of the chips that also reads her temperature if she is unwell (to save a thermometer up the backside LOL).

It cost about £26. :)
When I had Oscar and Kobi was with the Dogs Trust scheme...Oscar hardly noticed his, but Kobi who has a thicker skin and coat...yelped and jumped a mile and bled afterwards too. :(

The vet has checked both dogs and the microchips are still both in the same place.

Good luck with Tina... :luck: :luck:
pollyanna said:
Callie was spayed and chipped at the same time.  She had one of the chips that also reads her temperature if she is unwell (to save a thermometer up the backside LOL).It cost about £26.  :)

Wow I didn't know you could get them that did that!!

We have just started to look at local vets, already been told by friends not to go to a couple!

Want a nice friendly vet that will be patient with me when I ask lots of questions.
Yesterday, Thursday, we had her booked in to have a tattoo done in her ear too but for this we had to go up to just outside Edinburgh. As we were both off we made a day of it.

I took Tina out for half an hour before we left so she could empty herself and have a little bit of a run on her long-line. Then she quite happily jumped up into the car and was fastened in with her harness on the back seat and promptly went to sleep! She really is the best traveller I've ever had :thumbsup:

We took it easy driving up and stopped off halfway to let her stretch her legs and were there 20 minutes early.

We had a cuppa with the couple who do the tattooing and Tina had a sniff around and wanted to play with their 7-week-old Border Terrier puppy (Neil was absolutely smitten by her and couldn't get over how small she was LOL). And then after 20 minutes or so Neil and the couple took Tina outside into the garden to have her ear done whilst I stayed indoors and filled in the forms. I'm not normally sentimental or sily about stuff like this but for some reason I didn't want to be handling her if something painful was going to be done and I didn't want her picking up on her wussy Mum's nerves either! :unsure:

But it was all done in seconds and she only yelped once when the tattoo-thingummy was pressed onto her ear. Then the dye was rubbed on and that was it :D

I'd been a bit nervous in case it made her headshy of having her ears touched but no, she's fine :thumbsup: And just a couple of minutes afterwards she was cuddling up to the man who did it and wagging her tail as though he was her best friend :wub:

The dye would be wet for about three hours and we were told not to let her rub it in case it smudged and not to get it wet for 14 days or so by which time her ID number should have come through properly. And it only cost us £20 too. Probably a lot cheaper than getting her spayed is going to cost me LOL

We took the scenic route back home via the A697 and Coldstream and took her into the Ingram Valley as planned. She was on her long-line and had a great time sniffing everywhere and she seemed completely unfazed by having her ear done. I think she was more interested in all the lovely smells as the Ingram Valley is full of sheep and their lambs roaming everywhere :D We found a spot further along the valley where there weren't any sheep so we could walk her on her line and it was SO peaceful - not a sound around apart from a few Meadow Pipits, Skylarks, Stonechat and a distant Cuckoo. We also found a dead six-inch Adder on the road and Neil was thrilled by this as he'd never seen one before.

Later that evening we took her out before we went to bed and she slept like a log all night :D

And today she doesn't seem to have been affected in the slightest by those few seconds of discomfort :p I can already faintly see the numbers coming through which IS a relief because we really are paranoid about her getting lost or stolen as she's such a beautiful and friendly wee thing :huggles:

Years ago, when I was about 15, I lost our family Yorkie when we were out on a walk (he was chased by two bigger dogs and bolted) and despite putting ads in the local paper and posters up everywhere we never got him back :( So when I told Neil about this he said we should get our next dog tattooed as well as chipped so we are doubly-covered :b

Perhaps we ARE both too paranoid but it's amazing just how much Tina has become a huge part of our lives in only ten days :wub: Neil and I are spending more time out walking her together and Neil is finding himself a lot more relaxed and sleeping better as he walks her for 30 minutes or so when he finishes night-shift. And whereas once I would just potter about in the afternoon after I finished work at 1pm (but not actually DO anything!) and felt that my life was just drifting along rather aimlessly with no point or meaning I now get out in the afternoons with my dog :cheers: We'll have a couple of hours out walking and then go home to cook tea before Neil gets up and after eating we'll often go out again for 20 minutes or so and it's really nice just strolling along with Tina :wub: Neil was even musing today on how soon we could get ANOTHER DOG!!! :eek: I told him to just hold his horses and wait until we've gotten Tina trained first!!!! :lol: Her recall is non-existent and the last thing we need is TWO dogs disappearing off over the horizon!!! :- "

Aren't dogs great :huggles:
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Lovely to read your story, glad Tina has made you both happy... :thumbsup: and shes found the perfect home... :thumbsup:
She's probably planning the Great Escape as we speak because I was a Nasty Mummy to her today :- "

I finished at 1pm today so after a quick bite to eat (I'd had nothing bar a couple of Freddo bars since my breakfast at 4.30am!!!) I took her for a run on Boulmer beach. It was gorgeous - hot sun, tide quite well in and, best of all, nobody else on the beach so I could let her off to have a run Well, halfway along the beach I noticed her rolling so told her to stop and went over to see what had attracted her. I thought it was probably a dead fish but no - far worse - a VERY decomposed crab!!!! :x Aren't dogs wonderful!

She didn't seem too mucky from it so we continued on our walk but it was once we were in the car that I could smell just how pongy she was :wacko: So....there was only one thing for it.......I stripped off once I got home and stuck her in the shower! Didn't have any dog shampoo (I'll get some tomorrow) so used some Timotei and now she smells like a lovely fragrant meadow (albeit one with a hint of wet dog ). She's also in her crate with a stuffed kong to keep her happy because despite my trying to get her as dry as possible she began to roll herself dry on the carpet and settee :lol:

Neil will probably whinge on about his Little Princess being ''in a cage'' but if I didn't put her in her crate to dry off she'd have the living room soggy too so what's it to be husband? She certainly looks happy enough to me - big fluffy bed to lie on and a stuffed kong full of smokey ham, liver pate and cheese!!! I wanna come back as a whippet!!!

Tomorrow she's off to the vets at 8.30am to be spayed and have her chip done so I'll be a nervous wreck at work until I get that phone call to say she's ok :wacko: Neil is on nightshift tonight and finishes at 6.30am so is going to take her for a walk before she goes in and I finish at 1.30pm so I can pick her up and stay with her tomorrow afternoon and night. We are both off on Thursday and then Neil will be delaying travelling over to the Lakes on Friday until I get home at 1.30pm from work. I'm taking her to work on Saturday and then from 5pm I'm on holiday for eight days :thumbsup:

She really IS a wonderful dog and Neil is already talking about getting another one :lol: Who was it said whippets ARE very collectible? :- "
That's a good idea to have her done while she is being spayed. :thumbsup:

I did that with my chihuahuas because they are too little to have such a big needle inserted when they are awake.
I've just had Skye microchipped this morning and I know they are all different but she was fab - no wriggling or crying but then she is a little toughie :D .

My vet is really good though, he's sensitive to the fact that it's going to hurt but quick and calm the way he injects :thumbsup: .

Also I considered that if I waited until maybe spaying then all that time she is unprotected at an age when they are perhaps more likely to get themselves lost :( . Personally for me it was best to have a quick procedure well done and then know she is protected for the future :D
I took my wee girl along to the vet for a check-up this afternoon and everything's fine :D She hasn't been attempting to lick the stitches or anything either :thumbsup:

I just have to take her back next Friday at 8.30am for a final check and that's the last she'll see of the vet until her booster is due next February.

Neil was playing about with the digital camera yesterday and found a black & white setting so took a couple of pics of our gorgeous girlie :wub: He really likes the first one but I'm not so sure....she looks SO angular and boney :wacko: But the second pic :thumbsup: I'm going to get a copy of that made to frame - she looks SO pretty :wub:

No doubt it'll be the first of many :- " I'm going to end up like one of those proud parents who has dozens of pics of their kids on the wall.....'cept mine will all be Tina :lol:


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Back to the drawing board :- "
OOOPS!! You've let a whippet into your life and boy do they take over!!! Tina sounds like she has a lovely life with you. Dead crabs lol!!!! They smell disgusting, I'm lucky in that Rifle has more of an eye for bunnies in the dunes! He doesn't really roll in horrid things (though I l regularly look after a Labrador that does :x )
She is totally gorgeous and sounds such a sweet girl :wub: :wub: