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Toilet Advice Needed


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My 12 yr old cross collie has been urinating/defecating in our house. Previously it happened on the odd occassion, for example if he was unwell. Now it is happening several times a day, even if we are in the house. He is out regularly and hasn't had any change of food or water levels. This is really beginning to ruin the pleasure he brings us as we are anticipating what is waiting for us everytime we come in the door or get up in the morning. The floor is having to be steam-cleaned 3-4 times a day. Help!!!!!
Have you taken him to the vet to be checked over? It sound slike something more is going on that him just being 'naughty'?

Welcome to Pet Forum btw!! :)
Considering that he is 12 years old - perhaps it is a sign of the natural process of ageing? I have noticed my 13 year old dog (who previously would have burst rather than soil the house in any way) has been piddling a bit in the house recently. Perhaps you could get him checked over by your vet to see if there is a problem ongoing.
As a dog ages they do have trouble holding it for longer. The last 3 years we've had a 4am 'potty run' for our oldie who just couldn't get through the night any more, and a few more accidents when I wasn't paying attention. The other thing with older dogs is that sometimes the message that they have to go doesn't reach the brain until they have to go NOW! So it's important for us to keep ahead of them.

If this is 'sudden' and not been building up, I would take to the vet for a urine culture to see if it might be something as straightforward as a bladder infection. However if it's not and it's age, then you may just have to figure out a way to work around it. Get a neighbour in to let him out if you're not going to be home for a while. Start giving him 'potty breaks' every 2-3 hours even if he's not asking. Give him every chance for success. I suspect he's as distressed about going in the house as you are and would appreciate the opportunity to succeed.