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Toddy Has A Big Day Soon


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Poor Toddy has not been well for the last 8 weeks. He had the Colitis followed by and accompanied with an enlarged Prostrate. The vet says this is due to his hormones going wild. He is now nearly 14 months. The neutering has been posponed once already because things still were not right. He has been on a third longer course of Antibiotics for the last 10 days. The vet will see him first thing on Thursday and if she is happy, It looks like Thursday will be his big day. Hopefully he will be better for it in the long run. I would welcome positive healing thoughts for him (he is the baby of the pack and our only boy). I would not worry so much as a rule but he is definately not 100%

Awwww, bless him :wub: :wub:

I wish little Toddy all the best for a speedy recovery and a trouble free time thereafter!!! :D

Good luck little chap :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
:( Oh is so horrible when they are poorly... Ben Molly and Dudley wish him a speedy recovery. If its any comfort this wild hormones and prostate trouble has been happening to my wiorkmates 'Staffy,apparently its is not uncommon , he was poorly first like your little one......... he has now been neutered and things are settleing down nicely. Lots of luck ;)
Lots of luck to Toddy for Thursday and wishing him a speedy recovery :huggles: :luck:
Wishing Toddy lots of :luck: for Thursday, and a speedy recovery :huggles:

Star was neutered 3 weeks ago, and he was soon back to normal :wacko: :lol:
Aww, isn't it rotten when they're unwell. Good luck for Thursday Toddy and, assuming there are no complications. at least it's simpler and quicker than for the girlies. :luck: :luck: Let us know how it goes.
fingers crossed for toddy, hope hes feeling better soon :huggles:

He knows

Funny how dogs sense things. I don't know how he knows, but he does!

He was really unsettled last night.

Despite not having breakfast (and he does love his food) he is more settled this morning.

He has to see the vet at 10am and if she is happy that he is well enough, his plums will be gone shortly after.

We will have to wait for the biopsy results but these are expected to be normal and are more of a precaution.

Hopefully, it IS just his prostate hormones that have been causing the problems.

Foxy will be happy when he is 'done'. She may be 13 and spayed but she gets all his amourous attention. Her joints are so bad, that it is a worry that he hurts her when he 'trys it on'.

Fingers crossed that all goes well today.'
Good luck, little Toddy :luck:

....... and here's to a much more peaceful life for Foxy :wub: :cheers: