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Toby Had "the Op" Today

Kaz stoke

New Member
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I am new to this, so please don't ask for pictures yet as I have to work out how to do it !!

I have a Lurcher called Toby, he is infact one of Teggys pups, He has been for the "op" today and I realise this is a bit late to ask but I have done the right thing haven't I ??

It's just that I'm feling a little guilty right now as he is asleep on the sofa looking very sorry for himself.

Hi again,

has anyone else had their dog neutered?

I picked Toby up from the vets at 2.30pm after his op and he is still crying, he is lying down and crying under his breath, is this normal, is he just being a spoilt baby or should I be worried,?

He is naturally a spoilt baby and crys if he doesn't get his own way-he is 12 mths old but I am worrying a little now as he is crying constantly under his breath, he has not slept since he came home but has eaten his tea.

If anyone has any advice it would really be appreciated

well it's too late to put them back in and you made the decision so it must have been the right thing to do for you and him.

he's been pulled about and its going to hurt and hes feeling sorry for himself, he should be fine in the morning although quite swollen and hot in the bag department for a few days

my black terrier was quiet for the evening but completely ok the next day, sidney had a retained one and the vet couldnt push it back internally to the bag so had to cut into his groin and he was in a lot of discomfort and crying until his painkilling inj kicked in then was ok but tender on his tummy cos of all the pushing about.
He will be fine, honestly :huggles:

Most dogs are pretty much back to normal within a day or two. Some have a reaction to the anaesthetic and it can make them feel a bit sick and groggy for the first 24 hrs. If he seems uncomfortable for longer than that then I'd call your vet and see if he needs some extra pain relief for a few days - but I bet he'll be much better by tomorrow.

Let us know how he gets on please? :luck:
Bless :wub:

they all react differently to the anaesthetic and also their pain tolerance levels vary.

I hope Toby is feeling alot better this morning ........ I have had my sole male whippet neutered (he had a retained testicle) at nine months old and he was absolutely fine and has gone on to become a champion lure courser :thumbsup:

I have an entire lurcher pup at the moment who is just 8 months old today and he also has a retained testicle so will be having an op at some stage.

thank you all for your kind words, Toby went to bed-with me-crying and cried until 3am....then he got up today, and although he is not yet at his usual bouncy lurcher self he is much, much better. At least no crying today. Think he just wanted me on a guilt trip last night and boy did it work.

Can't believe how much I love this little boy !!!

I have always had Shelties or rough Collies in the past-in fact my rough collie, Becky,is 11 years old tomorrow but when we has a larger caravan we decided to have a more active dog and went for Toby the Lurcher-as I said he is one of Teggys pups. I then decided that as Becky is old Toby needed a young friend to play Lurcher games with so we took a rescue Lurcher collie cross, Sonny. We then went mad and took another rescue Lurcher bitch Tess, approx 4 yrs old. Just going to prove what everyone else on this forum already knows.....Lurchers are adictive and one is never enough !!!!

thanks again for your advice

Toby is on the mend.

so glad he's feeling better, he won't know what he's missing, sounds like you've got the bug now you are going to have great fun with your gang.

Im sure Toby will be fine - I know exactly what your going through!!!!

Toby's brothers Tyler & Kai were "done" in December :angry: and had no problems at all :thumbsup:

like you said the first night was the worst but weve never looked back since!!!!!

Good Luck to both of you



could do with some more advice plaese.

It's now 1 week and 9 days since Toby had the op and his testicles are still the size that they were before the op. The wound is not weeping and he is not licking it, but they are red. He is not off his food and does not seem to be in any discomfort.

I have just rang the vets and am taking him back at 8.45am tomorrow.

Has anyone else had these problems? I am concerened about him but don't know if that's just coz I love him so much !!


sorry to hear you're having probs, when dylan was done his sac was the same size as before the op because it will fill with fluid and swell up but it went down over about a week as he reabsorbed this and he has no sac at all now, and if i put the back of my hand on it it was cool to the touch so no infection there

im sure toby will be fine :blink:

took Toby to the vets this morning, he says nothing to worry about says around 1 in every 100 dogs are "slow shrinkers" and they will disappear eventually.

He did coment on what a handsome boy Toby is and I felt like a proud mother. He had his stitches out and said just to keep an eye on him.