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Tiny Rabbit Hutch


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This is disgustingly small - not even 3ft long (minimum recommended hutch size is 6ft) not big enough for a g pig let alone a rabbit (ofcourse they should be kept in pairs so it's certainly not big enough for 2 of them.

I cant beleive a big compay like Tesco would be so irresponsible and be so blantant about putting profit before welfare (as if the chicken media hasnt been bad enough recently). So irrespsonsible to encourage their customers to keep rabbits in cramped conditions and contravene the animal welfare bill.

Even the 'large' hutch isnt 4ft long, it's still too small by far.

I've complained and got a crappy response so if anyone else wants to complain it can only help. I included my club card no in the complaint so they know I'm a real customer. (Or was...)

The e-mail address to complain is:
I've complained :rant: - thanks for the info :unsure: :thumbsup:
ill drop them an email now Rae.well spotted! :thumbsup:
Hi ..I`ll do the same. I keep guinea pigs and quite honestly, trying to educate people...It is darned hard work !!
Thanks to all that have complained too - I've not had a response yet but I'm off to ASDA now to do my shopping!
I boycotted Tescos 5 years ago (I've had the odd lapse :- " :b ) when they rode roughshod over our local council and defeated/ignored as many planning restrictions as possible and built a store in a riverside meadow at the edge of our small town. The nearby canal was blighted with a dirty great bridge over it and they made no effort to build in stone as close to the local stone as possible. A hideous modern white warehouse building went up instead and they fix huge advertising banners on the bridge which are a real eyesore. Our local shops have managed to survive by the sheer determination of the locals being loyal to the high street.

I hate most supermarkets because of their price wars which inevitably leads to hardship for the farmers and animals. The waste they produce both directly and indirectly is incredible (some friends work there and they're shocked at the food stuff that gets disposed of).

And now they're competing with the local petshops too and selling cheap crap at that. :angry:'s one of my soapbox subjects :oops: I'll be sending an e-mail too!
Really crappily put together too!

Saw them in the Chorley store....

Many supermarkets-inc.Asda buy shitty stock in at this time of year to sell in the sale-

so its not even a true sale/bargain.