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:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Why do people think it's ok to mess you about when it comes to buying a puppy.

I had this person, by the name of Gornall, who lives in the Rotherham/Sheffield area pester me for about 3 days on the phone with regard to having one of my puppies. She literally begged me to ensure she got one, so we agreed that she would send a deposit cheque and that would secure her a dog puppy. When she came to look at the puppies, if she didn't like any I would return her deposit cheque. She was adamant that the deposit cheque would be in the post the very next day. As it hadn't arrived I phoned her this evening to see what the situation was only to be told that she had got a black puppy, which her daughter had sourced.

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: Angry, you bet I was, and told her in no uncertain terms that she was a totally unreliable person as the least she could have done was to phone me as soon as she knew of the puppy. I also told her that as far as I was concerned she would be blacklisted as her family was not reliable enough to guarantee that any puppy would have a good home.
:rant: Why do people do that,it really P@s you off :rant:

Also they expect you to have puppies 365 days of the year :rant:
i had one worse than that years ago.he rang for a pup we chatted he seemed ok,i agreed he could come down to see them.on the day he didnt turn up and so i rang.hed got fixed up with one from elsewhere.i said it would have been nice to let me know etc,he started to get abusive and was very nasty with me,in the end threatening me that he was a police man(which he wasnt)the following week there was a letter in the dog press from this prat saying that id threatened him cos he didnt buy a pup from me and that i was aggressive and abusive. (w00t)i phoned the dog paper and told them what really happened so the following week they printed my side of the story. he rang me back and threatened me with legal action!dunno what he thought he could sue me for!anyway after this i thought this guy is either a nutcase or just likes making lies up.suffice it to say he started showing,and it wasnt too long before his real character surfaced and he offended numerous folk with false accusations and lies.he then disappeared out of the show game after only a few months,probably telling everyone that the dog game was full of horrible people and they were all bent!im just glad he didnt get one of my dogs.(and i never needed to threaten anyone to buy one of my pups,they were usually all sold before they were born but this particular time id had backword on a pup so there was one available)trouble is anyone hearing his story might believe him and my reputation would be in shreds and there was nothing i could do. :(
well we had a couple come a few years back who had asked could they come and see the pups we had? they came spent 3 hours playing with pups and other dogs, drinking tea/biscuits, then thanked us for letting them have a look?

we asked if they were interested in a pup, they replied "o we were never interested in a pup were just traveling round looking at all the pups in loot " what a way to spend a Sunday afternoon lol. funny now wasn't at the time.
and who knows what deseases they might have been taking round with them , Mark , what a sad pair

You were better off them not having one any way Jan . I had a family want to come and see a litter and when I said id be in after 4 pm , they said ok . I rang them when i got back only to be told theyd just been and got a JR instead !! . was I pleased i was out , , Everything happens for a reason . Plenty more good homes out there , :luck:
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People are so rude nowdays, it would never occur to me not to call if i am not going to be somewhere i arranged.

But how about this for cheek;

Some years ago this seemingly lovely couple came to look at my 9 weeks old pups, They fell in love with one but told me they are, at present staying with their parents but have bought a house and are moving there in 4 weks time, would i PLEASE keep him for that time. They paid deposit and gave me an address of their new place (being a lot number on a very long road, about 15 km) and a phone number, and made an arrangement to come and visit next weekend. Did not turn up and i did not heard again. 6 weeks went by, another vaccination was done, I tried to phone the number i was given but it did not exist. I run it by my solicitor who told me that as i did not specify on the receipt when the pup has to be collected I cannot sell him, as he does not belong to me. I drove up and down the road they gave me, looking for places that sold recently, went to the 3 post offices servicing those areas and taslked to the posties. Another vaccination at 16 weeks. Finally, when the pup was about 5 months old I sold him. :sweating: :sweating: :sweating: Another couple of weeks guess who arrives to pick their puppy!!! (w00t) :rant:

They were furious that I sold their dog, demanded their money back. (w00t) I do not loose my temper often, and it take a lot but I just let them have it, I bluffed that i am going to sue them for the cost of keeping the pup all this time and they left in huff.

Nowdays, anybody leaving deposite has to sign they will collect the dog by certain date

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