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Time to talk to your partners instead


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We are planning to move K9 Community to a new server (same hosting company) early next week. There are two reasons for this:

There have been some reliability issues recently with some software on this server & this has caused problems with K9 (crashes)

The new server should be able to run Java software & hopefully this should allow the long overdue chat service to be started.

The plans are that the software will be moved over this weekend. Early Monday 10 November K9 will close and the database copied to the new server. Domain Name Server changes will be made and these should come into effect Tuesday or at the latest Wednesday. K9 will be turned back on line.

During the change over period you may get a message that K9 is Off Line or you may just get nothing but a dns error. Do not worry we will be back just asap.
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Thanks Nigel! :( thats twice this year i'll have talked to her? :0
Crikey what did you find to say to her!!! :0

I`m sure we`ll all be having withdrawel symptoms !!

Don`t be too long Nigel :w
I'll have to make tony read some pregnancy magazines :w
Doubt if he will be talking back - he will be grabbing a turn on the PC instead of me :D
:angry: Not impressed Nigel, just the same week i start my maternity leave & i can't bloody well post on k9, & as for talking to Kevin i'm sure i can find something else to do!!! :D
Vicky said:
just the same week i start my maternity leave & i can't bloody well post on k9
You think you're going to have any spare time.... :8 I'm doing you a favour, you won't miss anything.

It should only be a day or so. The site has already been moved to the new server, I've just got to do a bit of testing & tidying up tomorrow and the main delay will be waiting for the Name Servers to start resolving the new IP address - normally (24-48hrs)
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But will the www. stuff still be the same? - I have an icon on the desk top and double click that (someone else set it up for me) - will this still be okay to do?

Any infor gratefully received.
Everything will be just like it is now - still at

You shouldn't notice any difference except there may be a chat service within a week or so.
:D Got my fingers crossed for a nice smooth transfer for you Nigel :D
it'll be up n running by the time i start maternity leave.....maybe me n vicky should check if k9 was down at around the time our babies were concieved :b ....afterall we had nowt else to do at the time!!!!! :0
Oooerrr - does that mean Nigel might be resposible for your babies. Will you be after him for child support :D
we may just have had bugger all else to do that week....afterall there are only 3 days seperating mine and vickys due dates :D
I have to ask the question! Can Michelle & Vicky do anything without the other? ;) On the possitive side? you'll both have someone to talk to in the maternaty hospital who has simlar interest :b
we're gonna have joining rooms with a mini bar at the hospital :p
Why doesn't the mini bar suprise me, No sorry it being a MINI one does suprise me :p

good luck to you both and don't forget K9s not just for dog pics? ;)
im sure the baby k9 ers pictures will be posted almost as soon as they arrive :D .

its a sad state of affairs i spend ages in the supermarket picking out milky drinks to help cure my indegestion from hell.....i remember the days i used to spend that time picking out wine n beer :w ( i dont even go down that aisle anymore :( ) the local cheap offie (sells just out of date wkd's for 20p ) will close soon if me and vicky dont start using them again.
the local cheap offie (sells just out of date wkd's for 20p ) will close soon if me and vicky dont start using them again
I'm sure you will both make up for it while wetting the babies heads,
the offies and takeaways in our area are almost in recession thanks to our pregnancys :( :w