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Tidying my 15 year old's bedroom


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and we found all of these in various locations...

Any idea what he needed them all for???

You never know when you might need a wee snack :flowers:
lol - the plate was in his pants drawer!!!! :lol:
Hahaha what a place to hide it!!!!!

Maybe he's feeling a but artistic and was going to make some kind of wind chime?!
Here in brum we use the fork type ones as back scratchers! ;)

I would be greatful that's what you found it could have been a whole lot worse.

At fifteen I would not let my mom anywhere near my room at all!
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As I say to Warren - if it is tidy, I wont have to go in there - if you leave it in a mess, you give up you privacy!! :lol:

I found much worse but I wont share! :lol:
LOL was about to say and thats all you found (w00t)

I use those disposable gloves when tidying my 14 yr olds room and the 19yr old well he has his own room in shared house now but I do have to help out occasionally (so he doesn't lose his room!)

Same policy here regarding privacy & mess :)
From the age of around 13 I would tidy my own room, that way my mom didn't bother me.

I had nothing to hide as such I just didn't feel comfortable with my mom going through my stuff!
A 13yo with nothing to hide????

Are you sure? ;) :lol:
I promise you I had nothing to hide! Not all 13 year olds are on drugs and have a stash of videos and magasines under there bed!
