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Yesterday I found a tick behind Scrumpys ear :x She must have picked it up at Cartmel at the weekend but I only noticed it yesterday. It wasn't huge but was firmly locked on :( I sprayed it with frontline & also smothered it in vaseline just to make sure. A few hours later it was changing colour from beige to a sort of grey but was showing no sign of dropping off. The area around it had gone very red & looked inflamed & there was also a big lump there. I then got a tick remover & pulled it out. I've covered the area in Aloe Vera gel & it has gone down a lot today but there is still a lump there. But the skin behind her ears is so thin I think it just looks worse than if it was somewhere else.

I'm sure the whole thing came out but I'm a bit worried it may be infected. I don't want her to have antibiotics unless they are really needed.

She sems fine & isn't scratching it at all. What do people think?

Julie (worried mummy)
Ugh, horrible things :x

We get so many round here at certain times of year that I've started using the Frontline spot-on again in the summer, as this protects from ticks for quite a long time.

I have been told that it isn't a good idea to put anything on a tick (or to try to burn it or squeeze it) as this makes it disgorge its stomach contents into the wound which can cause infection.

That said, unless the area is looking red and angry and bothering Scrumpy I wouldn't worry too much, as you say the skin is very thin there, so it's probably just a local irritation.
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Invest in a tick hook they are the best thing going for ticks IMO, the dogs got them last year when on hols :x (I hate anything like that :x ) we went to the local vet and got a tick hook about 3 quid, its just a small plastic thing but brilliant , gets the whole thing out quick and easy, then put it on some kitchen towel and squash it,we just have it I the car in the first aid bag now :thumbsup:
ive only ever had one encounter with one and that was on the cat,he was semi feral so couldnt mess about with him too much and all i did was put some cooking oil on the tick and left it ,the day after when the cat came back the tick had gone :thumbsup:

hope scrumpys ears fine :wub: :huggles:
One of my cats came in with one a couple of weeks ago. I just got some tweezers...dont twist just pull it straight out... getting in as near to the skin as you can go..

then I dropped it into a small amount of whisky ...but any alcohol will do... they are killed instantly
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Archie picked one up the day before yesterday he has had quite a reaction - big fleshy lump about half the size of an egg. Vet says no need for AB's just must be a sensitive area :(

Bloomin' horrible things :rant:
Max had one last week and I smothered it in Grapefruit seed extract and then pulled it out with tweezers after it had suffocated a bit. It was right under his front leg. It was a bit red the next day then it was back to normal.

Hope Scrummy's ear is better soon. You could try putting tea tree oil or cream on it if it is very sore. :huggles:
*Lesley* said:
Invest in a tick hook they are the best thing going for ticks IMO,
That's what I used, you're right, they are so easy to use & you know that the whole thing has been removed :thumbsup:

Janimal said:
then I dropped it into a small amount of whisky ...but any alcohol will do... they are killed instantly
(w00t) What a waste of alcohol, scandalous :lol: I just squished it between 2 bits of kitchen roll :x

Scrumpys lump has gone now & she's been fine.
J.T. said:
*Lesley* said:
Invest in a tick hook they are the best thing going for ticks IMO,
That's what I used, you're right, they are so easy to use & you know that the whole thing has been removed :thumbsup:

Janimal said:
then I dropped it into a small amount of whisky ...but any alcohol will do... they are killed instantly
(w00t) What a waste of alcohol, scandalous :lol: I just squished it between 2 bits of kitchen roll :x

Scrumpys lump has gone now & she's been fine.

:oops: now I've read your post properly I see that :clown: :b I must not skim read :lol:
My dogs pick up ticks from going down rabbit holes and running through bracken. I find toothpaste is quite good. Ticks and fleas hate the mint and fall off also if you use the ones with the white stripe it contains bicarbonate of soda so when the tick falls off the bicarb sucks out any juices and seals the wound. Also works brilliantly on insect bites on yourself.Stops them itching. Also good for teenage spots put on at night and it dries them up by morning :cheers:
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