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Tia Update


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well im pleased to say tia has been off her steroids for 6weeks today as you know she was spade 5weeks ago and had to come off her tabs completely for them to do the op ,now i was really worried about this as since her relapse she lasted nearly 4weeks that time she hadnt been able to go more than a week without them ,so i was expecting the worst ....but no she got spade after a week off them and hasnt needed them since ,she still gets a little stiff in her back legs if shes been lying down for to long ,but couple mins walking and shes fine so fingers crossed NO more relapses ,im now wondering if it may have had anything to do with her hormones ?what your veiws on this ? :)
Can't help Nicky just pleased that Tia is well.
So glad to hear Tia is better :huggles: :huggles:
Just wanted to say glad Tia is doing so well :huggles:

I haven't a clue on her condition though lol
That is such good news, nicky :)

Tia's condition has made such a difference to the levels of knowledge on K9 about spinal meningitis and Rosie's recovery was, in no small way, due to your experience with Tia :thumbsup:

Who knows what havoc hormones can play, but I'm certain they could have a bearing on how severe an auto-immune condition can become as they affect pretty much every bodily process involved with living!!!

Way to go, Tia!!!
brilliant news nicky :thumbsup: hope tia continues to be well without the meds :huggles:
thats fab news Nicky, but it dose make you pleased she is doing well
No views sorry nicky, but wouldn't have a clue :lol:

Just wanted to say how pleased i am that Tia is staying well without her meds, good girl Tia :wub: :huggles:
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So glad to hear that Tia is doing well without her meds :huggles:
What wonderful news Nicky,so please to here about Princess Tia :wub: :wub: i don't know about the hormones...........but how wonderful she is feeling so much better :* :* :*

Wheres the pics Mrs????????